Monday, March 9, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 136 - "Forever"

I woke up in the middle of the night to these words from Forever going through my mind...

Give thanks to the Lord our God and King
His love endures forever
For He is good, He is above all things
His love endures forever

Sing praise, sing praise

Nancy spoke of Psalm 136 in Sunday School yesterday as we were talking about the story of Rahab in the book of Joshua. She was a prostitute but she came into relationship with God. She protected the two spies and God provided protection for her and her family. Doc's sermon yesterday was about provision. God provides what we need at all time. That does not mean we have everything we desire but it does mean we have no needs go unmet. Sometimes God tests us and our needs may go unmet until it is His time for them to be fulfilled. As I pondered upon this, my mind went to different circumstances people are in right now. One of those circumstances is our situation with the cancer in Doc's pancreas. The desire in my heart is for him to stay with me on this earth. But is that a 'need' or a 'want'? I would say a 'need' but maybe I am just being selfish. I know I don't want to see him suffer the way he is. My heart breaks when every time he eats the pain increases. It breaks to see him spend more time in bed than not. How can I read Psalm 136 and follow David's words with these circumstances? How can I sing praise as this song says with these circumstances? Verses eleven through fourteen remind me of how I can continue on.

He brought his people out of Egypt with miracles!
His tender love for us continues on forever!
12 With his mighty power he brought them out!
His tender love for us continues on forever!
13 He split open the Red Sea for them!
His tender love for us continues on forever!
14 And led his people right through the middle!
His tender love for us continues on forever! (NPT)

God brought the people out of Egypt through all kinds of things. He performed miracles such as the crossing at the Red Sea just as He performs miracles in our lives. He did for them just as He does for us because He loves us. He provided for them and He will provide for us. It amazes us how we have gone without Doc having a second income. When we first came to South Carolina, on paper it showed he had to have a second job for us to make it. The first nine months he did not yet we made it. We believe God provided during that time so he could be with me through the breast cancer diagnosis, surgeries, and treatments. Now he has not had a second job since his pancreatic cancer diagnosis. God continues to perform miracles. He continues to provide. In looking ahead, June is always financially challenging with car insurance, flood insurance, and personal property tax on the truck. God gives us wisdom to plan ahead so they are all taken care of. When He provides, we put back for such things. Doc's reminder in his sermon yesterday of when we were in dire straits and a pastor told us we needed to tithe was one I am thankful we listened to. It changed our lives. Tithing made us realize just how much God loves us. He loves us so very much and for that I am thankful. I am especially grateful for verse twenty-four of this Psalm.

He has rescued us from the power of our enemies!
His tender love for us continues on forever! (TPT).

Woo hoo! Praise His Holy Name! I had a weird dream last night that every time I woke and went back to sleep it continued. I was being attacked by someone verbally for my walk with the Lord. Unfortunately, it was another believer which made it even worse. It made me think of Jesus' words in Matthew 7 about being on guard for sheep in wolves clothing. In my dream, God protected me. When I finally woke for the day, I started thinking about the dream. Did God give it to me as a forewarning I would experience such a time? He has done such things before such as when I kept dreaming I was falling and then had a fall that took me by ambulance to the ER. I will walk in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in His love as II Timothy 1:7 tells me and not allow the enemy to put fear upon me about this. I will remember God loves me and will protect me. I also will remember God uses times of testing to strengthen my faith. No matter what, He is with me. As I continue on reading Psalm 136 I praise God for providing basic needs.

He provides food for hungry men and animals!
His tender love for us continues on forever! (TPT)

I was told yesterday of children who were hungry and asked for bread with the pretense of feeding geese yet they ate it themselves. My heart broke as I heard it but I also am thankful God provided. I am reminded this morning this is another miracle performed by a loving God. As I said yesterday to the church, we need to be more aware of miracles happening around us and praise Him for them. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love! Thank You for Your encouragement! Thank You for the miracles You perform every day in my life! Thank You for Doc not only being able to go to church and preach yesterday but also being able to go out to lunch! Thank You for continuing to give him strength as he continues this battle with pancreatic cancer! Father, my heart breaks for Mandy with both her husband and father battling cancer. May You be their strength through these tough days. I also think about the family of the youth pastor whose wife and unborn child were killed after being hit by a drunk driver this weekend and he is in ICU. May You be their strength as they await him being able to hear this news. I pray for families with loved ones in rehab whether at a facility or at home. Craig, Angie, Corey, Linda, Sharon's Daddy, and others. Lord, continue to be with ones who are not in relationship with You to have people speak Life into them. Open doors that need opened for this to happen. Cleanse me Father so You can fill me to overflowing with more of the empowerment of Your Holy Spirit. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout this day. May people see/hear You instead of me in a more intentional way than ever before. Thank You Jesus for being My Provider! Amen.

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