Sunday, April 1, 2018

Matthew 28:6 - "O The Blood"

Today is a great day of celebration! It is a day that Christians celebrate the reason for living. It is also a day many celebrate without even knowing the True Reason they are celebrating. That saddens me. It is hard to celebrate when you know there are some who have never received the True Reason to celebrate. There is a fine line in a believer's life that must be walked with this day. There has to be a balance with the egg hunts, baskets, bunny, etc. and the True Reason. Our children must know the True Reason before they know the 'traditional' activities. We must be careful and pray to ask God what we are involved in during this time of celebration and what we need to steer away from. When we passed two of the community events yesterday and saw the thousands of cars, I wondered how many of those people will be in church this weekend. As I was talking to one lady and she told me she went to church on Friday so Sunday would be a day of staying in bed, my heart broke. But I messed up by not speaking up. I missed an opportunity the Lord put before me. During the night the Lord woke me every two hours. My prayers alternated between people who will be in a church services today and pastors who have a heavy load on their plate with having people there who are not normally there. I prayed for churches to be ready to love on these people so they would want to return. I prayed for people in churches to 'leave their comfort zone' and be Jesus to these people. Some people will have to leave their little cliques to do so. Some will have to allow Jesus to work through their shyness. As I think about it, believers should not even have 'comfort zones.' We should be ready to do or say whatever the Lord gives us. We should be ready to be Jesus to all we meet. 

As I was sweeping yesterday "O The Blood" was pouring out of my mouth. I think this is what starting me thinking about those who do don't know the True Reason we celebrate this day.

O the blood
Crimson love
Price of life's demand
Shameful sin
Placed on Him
The Hope of every man

He died for all of us. Not just some. He came back to life for all of us. Not just some. He lives for all of us. Not just some.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace. Thank You for Your death and resurrection. I do not want it to go for naught. I pray You will cleanse me so You can fill me today so I can be You to others. I ask for forgiveness in not speaking up with the lady yesterday. I am sorry I missed the opportunity You gave me. I also pray for believers and non-believers who will be in church services today. I pray for open ears, eyes, and hearts. I pray You will be with pastors who are preaching today to be filled with Your compassion yet also Your boldness. Lord, most of all I pray for people to realize You are the True Reason to celebrate this day. Thank You Jesus for being My True Reason. Amen.

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