Tuesday, April 17, 2018

II Timothy 1:7 - "Fear Is A Liar"

The one time I was awake during the night the Lord had me pray for one who is going through some tough days post surgery. She is spending her days with her foot up and most of them alone. He told me to pray for her to realize He is with her even when no one else is. He also had me pray for people to visit her during these dark days. I wish I were near her so I could stop in. Many times people do not realize just how lonely a person can get when they are homebound. I am thankful for technology that gives a sort of connection with people when we can't get out but there is nothing like having a person stop in to chat, see if you need anything, and perhaps give you a hug. I remember days in the past where I felt like no one cared because they didn't come when I would be post surgery or have an MS exacerbation. It was during those days the fear seemed to set in. Fear of being alone, fear of financial ruin, fear of never being 'normal' again, etc. It was also those times where I felt the Lord the most as I cried out for Him to help me in my time of need. I finally realized people didn't know what to say or do so it was easier for them to stay away. Out of sight, out of mind. It is like when people miss church. They need to know they are missed yet people are so busy with their own lives no contact is made. A card is nice but a call or a visit are nicer. Personal contact is becoming a thing of the past in today's world but we cannot allow that to happen. We need one another. We need to feel loved. I pray today will be the day for people to realize someone in their little world needs them to contact them. It does not take a lot of time out of one's day to make a phone call. It may take time to stop in for a visit but if you found out you were the only one to do so it would be a blessing.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for laying Carletta on my heart. I pray there will be people in her area who will visit her today. At the very least I pray for people to call her. Father, I pray for healing in her foot. I thank You for the healing that has already happened through the surgeon's hands. I also thank You for the healing You have given her mentally and emotionally but I pray for more. Father, show her Your love through people and their actions. I also pray for me today as I make a visit with one who is not in relationship with You. Cleanse me so You can fill me so You will be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. I am physically drained and the day ahead is draining in itself. I am depending upon Your supernatural strength. I do not want to just get through this day but I desire to be a blessing to others while You bless me. Thank You for friends who blessed our ministry over the last couple of days. May You continue to lead us to be beacons of light in this dark place. Thank You for being My Fear Destroyer. Amen.

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