Monday, April 16, 2018

Proverbs 17:6 - "O Lord"

Proverbs 17:6 is a special verse to me as a Grandma/Memaw. I started praying for my children when I was a little girl. After I had my babies I started praying for their spouses and children. The Lord has truly blessed me as a mother and grandmother but it is hard to be a long-distance Grandma/Memaw now that we live in South Carolina. I am grateful for Facetime and phone calls but I sure could use some hugs from my grand babies. I loved hearing Miss Evelyn sing at the Talent Festival Saturday through the use of technology. Praise God for technology! I remember when I was her age I saw my grandparents two or three times a year. Grandma Helmick always made special food for me and spent time with me showing me her latest quilts. I don't remember Grandma McHenry very well but I remember her orneriness. It is no wonder my Daddy was ornery! It broke my heart to not be physically able to be at my Grandma Helmick's funeral. I think of Merriel's grandchildren that are going through her calling hours today and funeral tomorrow. When a grandparent dies, there is a void in one's heart. Thankfully we have hope when we know they were believers. I pray for people whose grandparents are not believers to come into relationship with Him before they take their last breath. I also pray for grandchildren who are perhaps prodigals that are being prayed for by strong believing grandparents. Today I am praying for our grand babies to know we love them even though we are miles apart. I also pray their love for the Lord will grow deeper every day.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for my 'babies' who have given me grand babies. Thank You for their lives of great faith in You. I praise You for the way You are working in and through their lives. Father, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You so You can work in and through my life in a different, new way. May You be Marlene's protection as she travels today and Doc's strength as he works. May You be my Momma's healer so she can have her eye surgery. Lord, I am so amazed at all the ways You lavish me with Your love. I pray for the week ahead with appointments, the start of another class, ministry, and my ministry assessment. May You enable me to stay focused on what You desire, when You desire it. Thank You Jesus for being My Lord. Amen.

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