Saturday, April 14, 2018

Psalm 35 - "Lord, I Need You"

The Lord gave me Psalm 35 to read this morning with the song "Lord, I Need You" on my lips. Wow, God! You are so awesome! 

Lord, I need You, oh I need You
Every hour I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You

The enemy is real but my God is greater than anything the enemy sends my way. I love the part of this song that goes, "Yes where You are Lord I am free; Holiness is Christ in me!" When we live a life of holiness, we have Christ living in us and through us. We can depend upon His strength to get through the 'junk' that comes before us. Our "defense" is our "righteousness!" 

David wrote Psalm 35 at a time where he felt threatened by his enemies. He prayed for God to protect him from them and to give him strength to stand up against them. Matthew Henry writes, "David prayed to God to manifest himself in his trial. Let me have inward comfort under all outward troubles, to support my soul." This is how one can be 'ok' during times of trials. Actually, it is the only way they can truly be at peace in the midst of the storm. Depending upon the Lord's strength is the only way to live. It is then, and only then, one can proclaim Psalm 35:28...

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being my strength in times of turmoil. Thank You for loving me so greatly that You bless me with days like yesterday. The beauty of Your creation is overwhelming at times. Sitting by the water and listening to the waves crash, having the warmth of the sunshine on my face, feeling my toes in the sand...oh my! Lord, I praise Your Holy Name for rest and relaxation. I praise You for the way You provide exactly what I need. I praise You for being the One to protect me from my enemies. Most of all I praise You for leading me down the path of obedience. Lord, I pray for the activities of this day. I pray for the Outreach this afternoon to be full of You oozing out of all who participate. Thank You for this privilege to share You with others. I pray for services tomorrow to be filled with You. I pray for pastors to be on their knees today being filled with more of You so You will flow from their lips tomorrow. I pray for lay people to be on their knees so they will be prepared for what You have in store for them. Thank You Jesus for being My Righteousness. Amen.

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