Saturday, April 7, 2018

Psalm 30:5b - "Trading My Sorrows"

Maybe even a bit of fear...
These are emotions felt when one feels like they are on the brink of the dawn of a new day. Perhaps they are awaiting a job offer or the birth of a child. Perhaps it is the feeling that a prayer will finally be answered that has been on their heart for a long time. No matter what, it is an awesome feeling knowing the Lord is who is in control. Without Him there is no hope for newness. During the night He had me praying for two alcoholics who are killing themselves with their addiction along with killing their relationships with their family. Both of these ladies need to realize it is better to be addicted to the Lord than to the bottle. Both of them know of Him but are not in relationship with Him. They have allowed the alcohol to decieve them into thinking they have no hope. All it would take is one cry out to the Lord and they would have His hope. I prayed for God to get them to the end of themselves so they will turn to Him. I prayed for whatever it takes for that to happen, so be it. That is a hard thing to pray because it may mean the death of a loved one, being diagnosed with a deadly disease in their body, etc. But if they do not accept Him on this earth they will not spend eternity with Him in heaven. It breaks my heart. I know how hard it is to be addicted to something. I am addicted to food. My body shows that addiction. I know what I need to do and I know the Lord will help me but I just don't seem to quit over eating. I pray against my addiction just as I pray for these two ladies. I pray for them to trade the bottle for Jesus just as I pray for me to trade my overeating for more of Him. I pray the dawn of a new day will occur and for His strength to be greater than addiction.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace that enables us to have hope. Thank You for putting these two ladies and their families on my heart to pray for during the night. I pray strength for their families. I pray for the husband and son of the one to have supernatural strength to endure these tough days. Lord, may they know You are with them. Lord, today is a day where I need your supernatural physical strength in a mighty way. I also ask for Your words, actions, and attitude to be mine so people will see/hear You and not me. Father, I pray for rest for Doc. May You fill him to overflowing with more of You today. Thank You Jesus for being Our Hope. Amen.

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