Monday, April 2, 2018

Matthew 19:26 - "I Need A Miracle"

The Lord woke me up with these words going through my mind...

And in your hour of desperation
Know you're not the only one
Prayin', "Lord above, I need a miracle
I need a miracle"

There just seems to be so many people going through tough times. I really believe the Lord's return is drawing near. He is giving people every opportunity to come into right relationship with Him. He is putting obstacles in their way to get them to quit relying on themselves and allow Him to the the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of their life. He is allowing 'hard times' to be a part of life to get them to realize they cannot do life on their own strength but instead need His. He needs us desperate for Him in a different, new way. He desires us to realize He is the Only Way to live. A life with Him for eternity must first find us living for Him while on this earth. This morning I am praying for many who are unsaved and for many who are in relationship with Him yet have not taken the step toward a life of holiness. I am praying for people to quit pleasing self and start pleasing God. I especially am praying for...

  • a young Momma with unknown health issues to have deep breathes throughout this day as she goes through some medical testing
  • a Momma struggling with disrespect from her teenage daughter to have God's wisdom and strength
  • another Momma struggling with life as she is separated from her husband...may God be her strength
  • a single Daddy whose little guy will be having dental surgery...may he feel the Lord's strength through these tough days
  • a separated couple who need to get back with God personally so they can have a restored marriage...praying against the enemy having his way in both of their lives
  • a man broken from the death of both parents within a short time...may he find God in a different, new way
There is just no other way than God's way. I am praying it is in His will for these ones to receive a miracle in their situation. Some need a miracle in their physical being but all need a miracle in their spiritual being. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for loving me so wonderfully. Lord, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with Yourself. I pray for those around me today to hear/see You and not me. I pray for Your wisdom and I do school work and Your blessing upon the board meeting tonight. I also pray You will become so very real to people who need to realize You are alive. I pray You will next the enemy down as he continues to attack us. I also pray for strength for Doc today as he has a long day at work and then board meeting tonight. Bless him in abundance with physical, mental, emotional, and most of all spiritual strength. Thank You Jesus for being Our Miracle Maker. Amen.

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