Friday, April 13, 2018

Romans 6 - "Different"

The Lord woke me up in the middle of the night to pray for a lady who went through a divorce in the last year. He told me to pray for her spiritual needs. As I prayed I asked Him for specifics. He said, "She is so far out of relationship with me that if she were to die today she would go to hell. I need her back." Oh my. Those are some strong words. I asked Him if I were to call or write her and His reply was, "not yet." I fell back asleep and He gave me a dream that did not make sense other than it was of people who needed to be in relationship with Him.
  • A man who as a teenager pretended to accept Christ to make a girl happy. 
  • A man who not only has quit going to church but is no longer praying or reading His Bible.
  • A teen boy in a friend's youth group who is seeking but afraid to talk to her or another youth leader.
I woke up and immediately the Lord started giving me visions of people who I needed to pray for...
  • A man who has done questionable practices with his business over many years.
  • A teen boy in a friend's youth group who is seeking but afraid to talk to her or another youth leader.
  • Two wives/mothers who are feeling unloved by those around them and are asking God to change their circumstances.
  • A man deep in pornography who has fallen so far from the way he use to live and is so desperate to dig out of the pit he is in.
  • A young lady who is apprehensive as she remarries to know God has blessed her with this new man and he will not leave her as the first one did.
I must say this seemed strange to me. He was bringing some to my mind I have not seen in years. I don't even know where some live. But I prayed as I was directed. I thought back to the reading in Romans 6 from yesterday. One does not have to be slaves to sin but they chose to be. God gives all free choice. He is a Gentleman who does not pressure us to live in relationship with Him. Instead He wants us to have the desire in our heart to do so. He is a loving Father who will discipline but He shows His love in the process. He desires all to die from a life of sin so there can new life experienced. Jesus died a physical death on the cross as a representation of what we need to do to die to sin. After His death He rose again. When one dies to sin and accepts Him into their heart, they receive new life. Baptism is a representation as one is taken down into the water their sins are washed away. When they come up out of the water, it represents their new life beginning. Baptism does not always happen right when someone accepts Christ but that doesn't mean they aren't believers. Baptism is an outward sign of what He has done in one's life. Another part of His death on the cross was that it covered all sins for all people then and all others until Christ's return. We do not have to live in sin. We can live a righteous life without having the desire to sin in our hearts. To do this we must allow the Holy Spirit to have control over every aspect of our life. Verses twelve through fourteen in The Message say it so well...

We do not have to be a reflection of our old life but instead need to reflect God in all we do or say. I pray every day for Him to be my words, actions and attitude. I desire Him to be seen in and through me. I pray for all to get to get to the end of themselves so He can shine brightly through them as they reflect Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the way You continually use me as Your servant of prayer. Last night and this morning were different but I was blessed. Father, if at anytime in the future I need to let any of these ones know I am praying for them I pray You will let me know. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. I desire to be running over with You oozing out of me throughout this day. I pray for Doc as he works today to be blessed with an abundance of Your supernatural strength to not only get through his work day but to see You in it. I pray for our time with Marlene to be blessed in abundance as we continue to enjoy the beauty of Your creation. I pray for a healing in my Momma and a blessing over my new great-great nephew Gabriel. I also pray for strength for Merriel's daughters and family as she takes her last breath. Lord, there are so many hurting people in this world who need to feel You in a new, different way today. Thank You Jesus for being My Sanctifier. Amen.

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