Sunday, February 4, 2018

Isaiah 55:8-9 - "With All I Am"

I love when the Lord wakes me to pray for pastors. It happens different times but especially on Saturday nights. I don't think many people realize how lonely it can be for pastors, There are so many times a pastor needs a pastor. They need someone to listen to things they cannot share with anyone else but a pastor. There are times what they need to discuss are things no one but another pastor would understand. But a pastor cannot just go to another pastor just as others can't talk with just anyone. They first must pray for God to direct them to the person He has chosen for them. One of my prayers during the night was specifically for a pastor who is in the position of needing to pray for God to give them direction on who to confide in. Other pastors He had me pray specifically for were...

  • One going deeper in their spiritual life yet their body of believers is fighting it tooth and nail. This pastor needs encouragement but they also need protection from the evil one who is alive within the people. I was taken aback by this specific request. It seemed strange that believers would have such actions but then the Lord reminded me not everyone in a body of believers have accepted Him. 
  • Those who will be in the pulpit this morning to feel the empowerment of the Holy Spirit so His words would flow from them. He said there are some who will not want to leave the comfort of the sermon they have prepared but need to go with the leading of the Holy Spirit. 
  • A man who is filling the pulpit after their pastor left for him to walk in obedience. 
  • Jacob who is going to new places to start ministry.
  • Cora who is finishing out a junior high retreat this morning.
  • God is so good at giving us what we need, when we need it. Sometimes we just have to get out of the way and allow Him to work in and through us. Sometimes we have to accept help from others even though their is fear involved. There are some pastors right now dealing with this type of situation. He had me pray for them to rely on Him to let Him guide them in their situation.
  • Some pastors who have left their church to minister to a new place God has led them to. They are dealing with loss of some things such as relationships and need to allow the Lord to strengthen them in the process.
God reminded me of His words in Isaiah 55 this morning. Too many times we, as pastors, can get caught up in tasks in the church that God's empowerment is forgotten. We can get caught up in busyness and His business is put by the wayside. We must remember He has called us to where He has us. He will equip us to do the work He has desired for us. We just need to be pliable to His ways.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the blessings ahead in this day. Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace that abounds in my life. Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of the Holy Spirit. Open my eyes to opportunities You will put before me today. Enable me to be You to all I meet. The desire of my heart is for people to hear/see You through my words, actions and attitude. May You be greater than me in a way people will know You are who I serve. Father, I pray for all pastors to allow You to shine through them not just today but every day. People are watching to see how pastors will react to situations before them. May they see You and not us. Lord, I pray for those You gave to me specifically. I pray they will feel Your empowerment today. I know for myself I am missing the time of fellowship we had with Super Bowl parties but Father I know You have us here for a purpose. Continue to open our eyes up for opportunities to fellowship with people. I pray the prayer of Jabez today..."bless me and enlarge my territories..." Thank You Jesus for being My Blesser. Amen.

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