Monday, February 5, 2018

II Corinthians 10:3-5 - "Point To You"

I woke up this morning with the words to "Point To You" going through my head...

I need a miracle
Some healing for my heart
I need a revelation
A brand new start
I want simplicity
Where I can rest
But I need a miracle to put my past to death

I thought about what Doc said in his sermon yesterday about how the devil brings up our past at times he accuses us. He said: "When the devil talks to you about God, he lies. When  the devil talk to you about you, he accuses." He also talked of how the devil is the accuser but Jesus is our Advocate. When the devils throws up our past sins, he has no power unless we give it to him. Our past sins are no longer. They are already forgave and forgotten. They no longer hold any weight to them. If we have sins we have not repented of, he can accuse us of those. That is one of the reasons it is so important to repent daily. This practice knocks the enemy down from having any power in our life. I liked what Doc said yesterday...

"The devil knows your name but calls you by your sin.
God knows your sin but calls you by your name!"

Yes! What a great way to look at life. God knows everything there is to know about us but He does not keep tearing us down for our past. The past is just that...the past. God will never throw it up in our face nor will He hold it against us. It was interesting how Doc described life with the devil taunting us. When he is involved, accusations that pull us away from God are involved. But we can know God is involved by conviction in our life that will pull us toward Him. So many times people give the enemy credit where credit is not due. It is the Lord working in and for us. I think of this breast biopsy today. I could believe the enemy is behind it. He is accusing me of my past but my past is gone. He is claiming God is punishing me for my past but that has no weight in it. God wipes my slate clean every day as I ask Him to cleanse me so He can fill me. He took punishment on the cross for me. He loves me and will never leave me. He will empower me to not only get through this time but to glorify Him in the process. Woo hoo! Am I scared? No! I know whatever lies ahead He will be My Strength. Am I nervous about the biopsy? No! Once again He will be My Strength. Am I apprehensive over the outcome? Naturally, I am. I do not desire C to appear again in my life but if it does He will be My Strength. Paul talks in II Corinthians 10 of spiritual warfare. I found it interesting what Matthew Henry wrote of this passage.

"The work of the ministry is a spiritual warfare with spiritual enemies, and for spiritual purposes. Outward force is not the method of the gospel, but strong persuasions, by the power of truth and the meekness of wisdom. Conscience is accountable to God only; and people must be persuaded to God and their duty, not driven by force. Thus the weapons of our warfare are very powerful; the evidence of truth is convincing."

I have put on the full armor of God and am ready for whatever lies ahead with this most recent event with my health. God will protect me from anything I need protected from. He will use the outcome to be glorified through me. I am claiming the protection of the breastplate of righteousness; the belt of truth; the helmet of salvation; the shield of faith; the Gospel of peace on my feet; the Sword of the Spirit; and will continue to pray for His will. I am proclaiming to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (II Corinthians 10:5b). I also am praying for people who can relate to the words of "Point To You" that were going through my head this morning. There are so many believers who continue to be in bondage to sin because they do not see the need to repent daily. I pray their eyes will be opened up. I also pray for those who have never accepted Jesus into their heart to have open eyes to Him. I pray they will have people around them who will love on them with Jesus' love so they can experience Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day. I will admit I will be glad when this afternoon is over but then comes the waiting time for results. Lord, help me to not be anxious but to rest in the knowledge that You are in control. Cleanse me so the enemy has no open door. Fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit so he will flee. Father, I pray for my friend who has found a lump and will be going to the doctor today. I pray she will be empowered by you too. Lord, fill her with more of You so the fears will be lessened. Help her to realize her past is just that. Father, I pray for those who heard the sermon yesterday to ponder upon it today and come to the realization that You have, or will when they confess, forgotten their sins. We all have a clean slate with You and for that I am grateful. Use me today to be You to all I meet. Thank You for being My Strength! Amen.

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