Friday, February 9, 2018

Deuteronomy 31:6b - "I Am Yours"

The words to "I Am Yours" come to my mind this morning...

So let the waters rise
I will stand as the oceans roar
Let the earth shake beneath me
Let the mountains fall
You are God over the storm
And I am Yours

Even the thunder and the wind obey
At the command of my Father, Father
I set my feet upon Your mighty name
So let the rain fall harder, harder

So take my everything, my flesh and blood
I'll lay me down on the altar, altar
I am forever covered in Your love
So let the rain fal

Yes! The 'thunder' that was happening around my spirit over the last week was not fun but the 'clear skies' were very much welcomed with hearing "no cancer" from the biopsy. I rested in the knowledge that whatever was ahead the Lord was in control. He would give me the strength to get through it. I also rested in knowing people from all over the world were praying for me. I had shared with some to pray specifically for the outcome to be the middle choice of things it could be and that was what the results were. The first choice could have meant more surgery and the third choice was the cancer had returned. Hearing it is just calcium deposits made me very happy. I am praying for a friend who found a lump and is having a mammogram this morning. I am praying she has peace in knowing her Heavenly Father is with her and with never leave her. I hope she can feel my prayers wrapped around her. There is nothing better than knowing His peace. I do not know how people get through life without being in relationship with Him. If I would not have Him, I would have been a nervous wreck over the last week. Now that is an understatement. I would have been a nervous wreck for more than just the last week! The emotional letdown of having this situation being over was tremendous yesterday. I was so tired and continue to feel drained today but I know He will fill me back up, in His time.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for being with me so closely through the 'good' days and the 'stormy' days of life. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me today. I pray for a filling in not only my physical body but also in my emotional, mental, financial and most of all my spiritual body. Lord, You know I need my paper finished and You also know what it is I need to write. I pray for Your wisdom to flow in and through me in a mighty way as I complete it. I pray for more of You so people will see/hear You through me today. I also pray for my friend who is having her mammogram this morning to have Your strength and peace. I pray for others who are going through medical testing to lean upon You. I pray for my friend who is needing Your wisdom on decisions being made. May she hear Your voice so she makes Your decisions. I pray for another friend who is making major ministry decisions to hear from You. Lord, You are so awesome in the way You give us encouragement when we seek more of You. I pray for more people to find such a relationship with You. Thank You for being Mine. Amen.

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