Sunday, February 25, 2018

Hebrews 12:1-3 - "Shout To The Lord"

I went to bed last night praying for pastors and woke up at 3AM to pray some more. The Lord specifically had me pray for...

  • those unable to sleep due to worrying about 'their' sermon...for them to realize the Lord had it ready for them if they would only listen
  • one who was going to be confronted this have the Lord's words, actions, and attitude in response to the confrontations
  • one who was living in 'hidden' realize the Lord knows all and they need to repent
  • one with severe family allow the Lord to work in and through their family
  • ones who are walking in obedience and life is not let their guard but instead to go deeper with Him
  • ones who will have their sermon changed right before going into the trust the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to have free reign 
  • ones who are filling the pulpit be accepted and for people to be willing to listen to someone different 
  • one who is struggling with something the Lord is asking of them...for them to not fear
  • one who is on go back refreshed and renewed
I love Saturday nights when He gives me specific prayers for pastors. Being married to a pastor and being a pastor myself makes me appreciate such times because it means He gives people specific prayers for us. Ministry is not an easy life but it is a rewarding life. It is not always pleasant in the things we are called to do but there is comfort in knowing He is always with us. Feeling responsible for many people can be daunting yet we must realize He is the One ultimately responsible for them. When people hurt, we hurt. When people go through tough times, we are there to support them however the Lord leads. We are called to be Jesus to all we meet. We are called to love with His love. That is what all are called to do, not just those called into vocational ministry. This morning I am taking before the Lord in prayer all who will participate in a body of believers today. I pray they will love with Jesus' love and be Christ-like to all they meet. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for our time with Paul, Lizzy, and Miss Bella yesterday. Thank You for the blessings of that time together. As I made an ornament with Miss Bella I was reminded of how I started praying for her when I was probably around her age. That is when I started praying for my babies, their spouses, and their children. You have blessed me in abundance through those prayers. Lord, I pray for them to continue to follow You and to go deeper in their relationship with You. Lord, I also pray for a cleansing in my spirit so I can go deeper with You. I pray for safety on the roads for us today and for our time with Ben's family to be blessed. Thank You Jesus for being My Depth. Amen.

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