Saturday, February 10, 2018

Ephesians 2:4-9 - "Broken Things"

I was awake multiple times during the night. Every time "Broken Things" was going through my mind...

Oh but I heard a whisper
As Heaven bent down
Said, "Child, don't you know that the first will be last and the last get a crown"...

It's the rebels and the prodigals; it's the humble and the weak
All the misfit heroes You chose
Tell me there's hope for sinners like me

I praise God for His grace that allows the Kingdom to be available for all, not just some. Eternity with Him is possible for all who will accept Him in their heart. The way one lives their life on this earth will determine where they spend eternity. It does not matter how 'bad' you are or for how long. What matters for eternity is that you accept Him before you leave this earth. This morning I am praying for prodigals. I am praying for parents of prodigals to realize their adult children are responsible for the decisions they make. I also am praying for pastors to address prodigals in their sermons. There are prodigals sitting in services every week. They need to realize it is not too late to come into relationship with the Lord. They need to realize they are loved by not just the Lord but by the community of believers who call themselves Christians. God's love needs to show through to them in a mighty way that will make them feel accepted. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace that You give me. I am so grateful for the day You took this prodigal girl back into Your arms. Father, I pray for more prodigals to come into Your arms. I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me up to overflowing with more of You. I am physically so tired and I don't know why. I pray for a filling in my physical tank in a mighty way. I pray You will not only fill my physical tank but my emotional tank as well. Thank You for the good news from my friend's mammogram. I was so excited to hear that news! Father, it is so hard when Doc preaches on the enemy. The attacks seem to come harder and harder. Provide us with strength to stand up against them in a different, new way. I also pray for others in our little world to be aware of the attacks the enemy gives. Lord, I praise You for being who You are in our lives. Thank You Jesus for being Our Eternity Goal. Amen.

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