Saturday, September 2, 2017

Rev 4:8 - "Holy Is The Lord"

Holy is the Lord God Almighty...The earth is filled with His glory
These words were going through my head at 4AM when Mordecei woke up with the storm and again now. Wow! In Revelation 4 John gives us a glimpse of worship in heaven. He tells us that "Day and night they never stop..." worshiping the Lord. That is the example we need to follow on this earth. Tomorrow is Sunday, a day of corporate worship. It saddens me the amount of people who do not go to service. But it saddens me even more for those who go and do not participate in worship. I cannot even begin to imagine how it hurts the Lord. Some are there physically yet their minds are somewhere else. Some get so caught up in 'doing their ministry' that they forget to worship. Some do not like the pastor's preaching, the music or even someone else there so they become distracted to the purpose of corporate worship. As a worship leader, it is difficult to ignore some blatant disrespect. But I know the enemy will try to use others to distract me and I refuse to allow that. Sometimes I close my eyes just so I am not distracted. Whatever it takes to worship in the way the Lord desires is what I will do. I must stay focused on Him and have His holiness firmly in my mind. His holiness is not sinlessness but it is His authority and power. The more holiness He empowers to me, the more of His authority and power I will receive. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder this morning that our worship needs to be continual. Thank You for the reminder of how I can have more of Your authority and power. Father, I pray for the people who will be in service tomorrow to be ready to worship You with no holding back. I pray for those who are contemplating being in service to make the step to be there. I pray for those who have no plans on being in service to have something happen today that will put them there. Lord, may all believers worship You in a brand new. May those who know You as their Savior accept You as their Lord of Lords. Be our words, actions and attitude throughout this day so people see You through us. Thank You Jesus for being My Lord. Amen.

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