Monday, September 11, 2017

Nehemiah 8:10b - "Thy Will"

"Thy will be done...thy will be done..." Yes! That is exactly what I pray for in all situations that are happening in my little world today. The electric is out at our home...dealing with a stressful situation with a friend...physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted...'Thy will be done' in all of these. The song continues...

It's hard to count it all joy
Distracted by the noise

I can honestly say I am not to this point yet. His Spirit lives in me so His joy is there also. There is always someone worse off than me. Hurricane Irma did not hit us directly. Therefore, our homes are safe. Today we will know if the water will come into our home. If it does, God will provide whatever is needed to get it taken care of. I am at peace with the weather and the after effect. I just wish my body would get with it and quit having issues. i am praying against MS issues. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for being my Strength, my Joy and my Peace. Thank You for all the ways You take care of me and provide for me. Father, today is here and I ask You to bless me with opportunities to be You to others. I pray for Your words, actions, attitude and focus to be mine today. Father, You know what is ahead in this day and I pray Your continued peace over me. Be with those who are dealing with weather issues, relationship issues and physical issues. May they know Your peace in their spirits. Thank You Jesus for being My Joy, Peace and Strength. Amen.

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