Saturday, September 23, 2017

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; II Timothy 1:7; Jeremiah 29:11 - King of My Heart

Twenty-eight! What a blessing to be walking in marriage with my honey. As I think about all that has happened since our last anniversary I am in awe of all the Lord has done in our life together. The events would have broken some marriages but we stand upon the Lord to be centered in our life. Hurricane Matthew; my breast cancer diagnosis, surgeries and radiation; our first holidays away from family; Doc's ER visits; our two trips to Ohio together; Doc's two job changes; purchase of the church building and rehab; death of my brother; Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irma...the list seems to go on and on. We held onto James 1:2-4 throughout this year and will continue to do so. The more things of this kind, the deeper we will go in our faith. This past Wednesday night when the Lord spoke to me about this coming year my first thought was 'ugh.' But then I was quickly reminded we have nothing to fear. We are in this life together with His strength to keep us grounded. No matter what lies ahead, He's got it. No matter how many times we feel like we can't take another thing, He's got it. When the enemy comes knocking at our door, He's got it. Plain and simple. He's got it. He told me we need to make II Timothy 1:7 our verse and we will do so.

I am grateful for the way God directs us. I look forward to another year of walking beside this godly man. There is much anticipation to see what the next year holds. I know there must be some pretty hefty challenges included with the way God spoke Wednesday. "What is unknown to man is known to God." No matter what is included in the unknown we will hold tight to one another. I am grateful for Jeremiah 29:11...

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this day that is ahead. I pray there is time to celebrate our marriage. As I looked back on the pictures from last year of this day I was blessed in seeing the celebration. I am grateful for all the times You give us to celebrate each other. You are so awesome in giving me this man as my husband. I pray You will bless Him in abundance. He greatly needs a physical healing in his body. I pray You will bless him with that today. I also pray You will continue to lead him with the adjustment of being bi-vocational. I pray You will continue to bless us with giving us both more of Your words, actions and attitude. We want to be Your servants in a way that blesses You. Thank You Jesus for being A Part of Our Three Stranded Cord. Amen.

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