Thursday, September 7, 2017

Philippians 2:1-11 - "Never Been A Moment"

2AM, 4AM and 5AM the Lord woke me up to pray for a family, specifically for the elderly mother and one son. I don't know what they are going through but He had me pray "for the two of them to come together on their differences." It is so strange when He has me pray for people who I don't see or even talk to but as I told Him I am His servant and will do whatever He asks. Every time I woke up the song "Never Been A Moment" was going through my mind. 

There's never been a moment
I was not held inside your arms
And there's never been a day when
You were not who you say you are

I know this Momma has depended on God throughout her life. She has gone through some tough things but remained steadfast in her faith. Whatever she is going through right now, may she feel His loving arms wrapped around her. I think of all the Momma's I know who are hurting because of their children are not walking with the Lord. So many are dealing with children who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. There are so many Momma's who raised their children to love the Lord yet they see them living so far away from Him. With all of the things happening in the world today it appears we are living in end times. There is an urgency for people to not only know Him but to be in relationship with Him. I am so blessed with my boys and their relationship with the Lord. But I have family members who continue to not walk with Him. Time is drawing short for them to make this decision and I pray they will. I pray they will see He is the Only Hope in the midst of chaos. He is the Only One to give peace in the midst of the storms of life.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to pray for this family. Thank You for the ways You use me as Your servant. Father, I need more of You to fill me to overflowing so You will ooze out of me in a way that people will know You are living in me. I pray for boldness in my spirit as I witness for You. I pray for the fulfillment of Paul's words in Philippians for people to become Christ-like. I pray for relationships to be healed through Your love. I pray for families to become whole in You. I pray "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Thank You Jesus for being My Savior. Amen.

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