Sunday, September 3, 2017

II Timothy 1:7 - "Come To The Altar"

During the night the Lord woke me to pray for pastors and worship leaders. He led me to pray for them both to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in service today. He had me pray for pastors who He was going to change their sermon at the last minute to be listening to Him. He also had me pray for people in the service to listen to His voice.

Have you come to the end of yourself
Do you thirst for a drink from the well
Jesus is calling

These words to "O Come To The Altar" were in my mind throughout the night and still this morning. The altar holds a special place in my heart. Many times I have received His touch at the altar. Sometimes physically, sometimes emotionally, sometimes mentally but most of all spiritually. I have seen others receive His touch too. Ben's healing from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at the altar at MVNU was so special. Prayers have been answered over and over at the altar. I was not raised in a church with an altar but I soon realized the importance of one when going to the Nazarene Church. My heart breaks for people who do not use it, especially when the Lord is directing them to do so. I also wish more people would realize just because a song has ended it doesn't mean God is done with His work at the altar. We need to linger longer at times when have not settled everything with the Lord. He had me pray during the night for pastors who worry about the time to realize there is work to be done today. He also had me pray for people to go to the altar to be rid of things they are holding onto. He stressed in my prayers for there to be no rushing on the part of the pastor and on the part of the people at the altar. Here in our little world there is the threat of Hurricane Irma looming. In Texas there is the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Both of these acts of nature are reasons for people to pray. Many people are or will be hurting from them. Jesus is the Only One to soothe those hurts. He is the Only One who can give direction. I pray people will be listening to His voice and walking in obedience. One of the models of Irma has the possibilty of it going to the Gulf of Mexico. I can't imagine them having more devastation. I would rather it hit us than hit them again. But my prayer is for it to lose strength and change direction back out into the ocean. No matter what course it takes I know the Lord will give us wisdom on leaving, what to take, etc. I know He will provide a place to go and the funds to cover the cost. If our home is gone when we return, He will provide another. He also will give us opportunities to be Him to those who need Him so badly. I am standing on II Timothy 1:7 in this waiting time. I am trusting Him no matter what happens. I have faith in knowing God is with us no matter what. Oh how I pray for more people to have such faith. I pray for the pastors who are fearful of making people upset with the service going too long to realize they need to listen to God. I pray for the people who are allowing fear to keep them from going to the altar to realize God will take care of their fear. I pray for worship leaders who are fearful of offending someone with a song He gives them to realize He will take care of such issues. I pray for people who are fearful of storms to realize God is in control and if they allow Him to be in the outcome, they will be blessed.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for the opportunity to pray for pastors and worship leaders. Thank You for loving me so greatly that You give me this to do. Thank You for the rest You provided last night and the renewed strength for the day ahead. You are so good! Fill me to overflowing with Your supernatural strength and empowerment so people will see and hear You through me throughout this day. Give me opportunity after opportunity to show Your love to others. Thank You Jesus for being My Provider. Amen.

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