Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Nehemiah 8:10b - "Thrive"

Last night was not really night at all with little sleep. I don't know what was wrong with us. Neither of us could sleep and we were both so tired. Doc said he had too much going through his mind. Work, church, the yard mess, the boards needing taken down off the windows, etc. I tried praying but God told me to rest. Throughout the night the words to "Thrive" kept going through my mind, particularly these words...

Joy unspeakable, faith unsinkable,
Love unstoppable, anything is possible

Yes! We cannot allow the enemy any foothold into our lives. We cannot allow things like Hurricane Irma to take our joy. We must stand firm in our faith. We must continue to have God's love flow from us 24/7. Then and only then will we realize the fullness of His glory. We need to remember to show Him our gratefulness. I was starting to grumble yesterday about this week. It is my off week from school so I usually get caught up on house stuff, filing, reading for leisure, visiting more, etc. Instead I am faced with getting the inside of my house put back together, cleaning up the yard and taking down boards. BUT we are alive and our house is fine. That is something to be thankful for! My hurting body is not something to grumble about but be thankful for! My tears are not something to be mad about but to be thankful I can still cry. God is so good. If Irma would have taken her original track, we may not be here or at least our house may not be. We were inconvenienced with being away for four nights along with the expense but that is nothing compared to those in Florida and in Texas from Hurricane Harvey. I refuse to allow the enemy a foothold into my life. I am keeping my joy and going deeper in my faith. His love WILL flow out of me even in times of a hurting body and a compromised mental state. He is my Lord of Lords and King of Kings and I will praise His Holy Name throughout this day. He will be my Strength and will give me wisdom on when to work and when to rest.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song again that inspires me to do a better job at being joyful as I look out at the yard. Thank You for the way You protected us and our home through Irma. Thank You for the friends and family who encouraged us over this last week. Thank You for the protection over our church family and their property. Thank You for no damage to the church building. Father, be with those who are dealing with major damages and loss of life. I pray for the home we passed yesterday that had the tree go through it. Lord, bless them in a mighty way. I also pray for a cleansing in my spirit. Fill me to overflowing with more of You so Your words, actions, and attitude will be mine today. Empower me with your supernatural empowerment throughout this day. I pray the same for Doc. Thank You Jesus for being Our Strength. Amen.

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