Sunday, September 24, 2017

I Peter 5:6-7 - "Love Take Me Over"

Every time the Lord woke me last night He had me praying for pastors. After I prayed, these words were going through my mind...

Love, take these words that I'm speaking
Love, take these thoughts that I'm thinking
Love, take me over
Love, fill up all of my space and
Love, stand right here in my place
Love, hear this prayer that I'm praying
Love, take me, love, take me over

He prompted me to pray specifically for pastors who are hurting. There are so many who need encouraged for so many different reasons. He had me pray for those:

  • going through difficult family times due to the stress of ministry, financial stresses, prodigal children, and health issues of themselves or a loved one
  • who have churches in turmoil
  • who feel inadequate in the place He has placed them
  • who have made decisions out of His will
  • who are trying to be everything to everyone when He is the Only One who can be such a person in people's lives
  • who have been hurt emotionally by someone
  • who have been waiting on Him for direction and feel like giving up
  • who are tired...mentally, emotionally, physically and unfortunately spiritually
  • who have left the ministry and feeling the effects of that decision
This song continues...

Let Your never-ending, never-failing, all-consuming love...Take over me

That is exactly what I am praying for all pastors today. To be filled with His love. Then, and only then, will people hear God instead of them. Then, and only then, will pastors be effective in their preaching. They cannot do life on their own strength but instead must be filled with His love. It is not just pastors who this applies to but all believers. His love must flow out of us in order for people to desire to know Him. If we are crabby and unlikeable, no one will want to have what we have. Only when we are lovable and different will they desire to be in relationship with Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday as we celebrated our anniversary. Thank You for another year of life with Doc. Father, I pray You will encourage him when he struggles. I pray not only that for him but for myself. I pray a healing upon his body. Lord, I pray a healing upon many pastors who are struggling with many different types of struggles. Encompass them with Your love in a way they will know You are their strength. Put people in their path who will encourage them in ways they know it is coming from You. Lord, I pray for Your words and love to flow from me today in a new way. Fill my cup to overflowing with more of You. Cleanse me of anything that is not of You so You can work in and through me in a whole new way. Thank You Jesus for being My Fill. Amen.

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