Friday, September 15, 2017

Jeremiah 29:11 - "Never Been A Moment"

Sometimes I wonder why God loves me so much that He would send His One and Only Son to die on the cross and raise again just for me. 
Sometimes I wonder why He accepted me back with open arms when I walked away. Sometimes I wonder why He has me where I am today...what He desires of me...what opportunities He will give me to be Him to others. 
Sometimes I become so overwhelmed by His love, mercy and grace. 
Sometimes I just sit in awe of Him.

I can't imagine life without Him. It blows my mind on how people can get through the ups and downs of life without His hope. I am so grateful for the way He gives me hope no matter what is happening. I feel like I have let Him down this week with being so engrossed in all that is going on. I feel like I have missed opportunities He has put before me. That saddens me. I just would like life to be back to normal...whatever that is. I need to feel physically renewed instead of so tired. I pray for a restoration in my physical body to happen soon. These days of not feeling like I can put one foot in front of the other are hard. Seeing things around me that I would like to do and not having the energy to do them makes me just want to cry. But then I am reminded of Jeremiah 29:11...

He knows what will happen in this day and what will happen in the days to come. He has a plan for me. He knows how I am feeling in my physical body and He knows how and when I will feel better. He knows how He gives me hope for 'better' days. Plain and simple. He knows. That is all that matters. I do not have to sit and wonder if or when things will change because I know He is in control. I do not have to worry because I have faith in Him. Life is challenging yet that is where my faith deepens the most. Woo hoo! I am thankful for anything that draws me closer to Him. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the rest You provided yesterday. Thank You for the day that is ahead. Whatever You lead me to do, I will do. Wherever You lead, I will go. I am Your servant. I pray for restoration in my physical body which will also restore my mental and emotional body. I pray for more of You to fill me so You will be seen and heard through me. I pray for those who are hurting so deeply from the recent weather events. I pray they will have someone be You to them in a way that will draw them to You. Lord, be with the ones who are going through tough days in ministry. May they see You through someone today that will encourage them. Thank You Jesus for being My Hope. Amen.

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