Wednesday, September 20, 2017

James 1:2-4 - "It Is Well"

Yesterday was a day filled with praying for so many people going through tough times. During the night and again this morning I had this song on my mind...

And through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
It is well

And through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
It is well with me

I am so saddened by people who are going through tough times without the Lord. I can't even begin to imagine how they cope. He is my strength, whether on the mountain top or in the valley of life. He is who I know I can turn to no matter what. He already knows our hurts yet when we verbalize them to Him it enables us gain more of His strength. As children of the King we know He is always ready to strengthen us. 

When our physical bodies get tired, He is there to give us rest. 
When our emotions seem to be going out of control, He is there to give peace. 
When the checkbook has been depleted and the bills continue coming, He is there to give wisdom. 
When our mental capacities do not seem to work right, He is there to give knowledge.
When our spiritual tanks are low or even feel empty, He is there to fill us up with more of Him.

Plain and simple. He is there. I just pray for more people to realize this truth.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder today of Your presence in my life. Oh how I pray for more people to find You. Lord, cleanse me of anything not of You so I can be a beacon of light for You today. Be my words, actions and attitude throughout this day in a way You have never done before. I need more of You...I want more of You. Thank You for the blessings of yesterday: Eli being discharged from the hospital; Jack getting his cast off; the picture of Clementine on Facebook; the opportunity to bless Dave & Amy's family; the smile on Katelyn's face when she saw her cheesecake; Momma having a day out of the house...the list goes on and on of things that brought a warmth to my heart. Today I pray for those going through tough times to find You. Some already know You but they need to find You as their Source of Strength. Some need to find You for the very first time. Some know of You but are not in relationship with You. May each of these ones come to the realization that life has its ups and downs but You are always there to provide. May they find joy in their trials. Thank You Jesus for being My Source of Strength. Amen.

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