Monday, September 18, 2017

James 1:2-4 - "Not For A Moment"

My heart is heavy and my prayers are great for many who are going through situations that are life changing...

  • the family with the accidental death of their thirteen month old
  • a lady who had a stroke yesterday
  • a man who is struggling with the loss of close family members over the last few years
  • a pastor who is having a mass removed today from his colon
  • the people who lost their homes to the recent hurricanes
  • the congregations that are dealing with loss or damage of their church buildings due to the recent hurricanes
  • Jeremy's family who continue to adjust to life without him on this earth
  • a man with multiple health problems who has been diagnosed with an unknown blood infection
  • a man whose wife died a couple years ago, his son is in prison and now he has had a stroke and wants to give up
  • a young teen who was deliberately hurt and had to have surgery for the injury
  • a lady who is dealing with her recent diagnosis of diabetes
  • a man who is dealing with complications from diabetes and another one who cannot get his blood sugar leveled
Some of these people have physical needs. Some have emotional ones. But all of them have spiritual needs that only the Lord can meet. Some of them are in relationship with Him while others are not. The ones who believe and walk with Him know an inner strength that only He can provide. I do not know how people get through such life changing events without the Lord. As I think back on my life there are many times of turmoil even as a child. But the one constant thing I had was His strength. Even when I walked away as a young adult His strength was still there for me. I can and do pray for people every day to find Him but that is not enough. I need to make sure I am boldly proclaiming Him to those who are not in relationship with Him. I need to take every opportunity to share His love with people. There are many in my little world who are hurting badly and need His comfort. They cannot grasp the words of James 1:2-4 because they are not in relationship with Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace! Thank You for the cleansing of Your blood over me! May You wipe anything away that hinders our relationship. Father, I pray for this day ahead to be filled with opportunities to show Your love to others. I pray for Your words, actions and attitude to be mine today. Lord, You know what is ahead in this day. May You keep my eyes open to You. Enable me to not be crabby from lack of sleep last night. Put a smile on my face even if I am struggling. May Your joy reverberate through me. I pray for Your supernatural empowerment to come down upon me as I begin this new class. It looks overwhelming but I know You are with me. Thank You Jesus for being My Constant! Amen.

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