Friday, September 8, 2017

James 1:2-4 - "Forever Reign"/"Hills and Valleys"

"My heart will other name...Jesus...Jesus.." This song is going through my mind over and over again this morning. Yes! He will "Forever Reign" in my heart! Yesterday was a tough day emotionally, mentally and physically. At the end of the day as I reflected on all that happened I was grateful the Lord was with me every step of the day. My plan was to study all day and take my exam today. Yesterday morning I felt an urgency to take it and get it over with so I did. I didn't do well but I was not surprised with everything going on. My words and mouth are not working together so it didn't surprise me with the results of the exam. But He reminded me I did my best and He was proud of me. Thinking there were a couple more days before evacuating, the day was spent preparing and planning but not in a rushed way. I did go to the gas station to fill up the truck and gas can. That was an experience with some stations being out but the task was accomplished without too much trouble. I cooked food and got it in the freezer to take when we left so we don't have to eat out for the next week. Once again I walked through our home and wondered if it will be here when we return. I wondered how long we will be away. I went over and prayed with my ninety-four neighbor who was so upset over all that was going on. I checked on other neighbors and some checked on us. I was feeling pretty good about things until the 4:30 press conference by the sheriff. Then life went crazy. Evacuations start tomorrow so we need to leave today to try to avoid hours of waiting on the highways. Last year with Matthew we actually left a day earlier than with this one. But they keep saying Irma is not Matthew which makes things even harder. The Lord provided a hotel for the weekend. He provided strength to get the boards up over the windows. Dinner did not happen until after 10:00 and by that time we were both beat. Mordecei spent the evening in his crate. He just cannot figure out what is going on with the suitcases down from the attic and the outside furniture in the living room. I don't know what today holds with traffic and I don't know what the next week holds with our lodging, our home, etc. But I do know who does and I know Him intimately and for that I am grateful. He will calm the storms in my body as I deal with Hurricane Irma. He will either take away the tingling in my face or He will give me the strength to endure. He will stop the tears from flowing or He will allow them to cleanse my emotional being. He will give wisdom on decisions that need made. Most of all He will enable us to look for opportunities to be Him to others throughout this process. As I reflect back on Hurricane Matthew I have fond memories of meeting neighbors for the first time who are prayer warriors with us in this neighborhood. Oh how I will miss them when they move in November. I also have fond memories of getting to know another neighbor better whose husband was deployed at the time. In fact, they are more like family than just friends. We became stronger in our faith through Hurricane Matthew and I know the same will happen with Hurricane Irma. I don't know how people live life without God's strength and guidance. I can't imagine leaving today without knowing He knows the outcome and He will provide physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and most of all spiritually for the days ahead. Praise His Holy Name!

On the mountains, I will bow my life
To the One who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes
To the One who sees me there

When I'm standing on the mountain
I didn't get there on my own
When I'm walking through the valley
I know I am not alone!

Dear Jesus, 
Thank You for who You are in my life. Thank You for being with me every step of the day even when it appears as if the future is bleak. Father, I pray for people that don't know You to find You. I pray You will use Hurricane Irma to bring people to their knees. I also pray for those who know You but haven't been living for You to realize they need to change. Thank You for the way You used me yesterday to pray for the elderly mother and son. What a blessing to find out my prayers were needed in a mighty way. Thank You for prompting me to go pray with Grammy yesterday. My heart breaks for her. She is such a precious lady. I pray for Your protecting hand to rest upon her during this time of evacuation. I feel like You have given me another 'Lenore' with her in the way she prays for us. Lord, protect our neighborhood from Irma. I pray against damages to homes. I pray for the ones who do not know You to find You in this storm. Use us mightily! Be our hands and feet. Give us boldness with our words. Enable us to be comfort during these days. Be with our church people and keep them safe. I especially pray for Mr. Fran. He is another ninety-four year old precious gem who prays for us. Wow, God! You sure do bless us with prayer warriors. I know there are many in Ohio praying for us too. Thank You Jesus for being My Provider! Amen.

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