Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Philippians 3:14 - "Thrive"

I woke up multiple times in the night and again this morning praying for a pastor and his family who are going through a season of multiple funerals. These words were going through my mind...

We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It's time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive

Yes! One definition of 'thrive' is 'to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances'! That is exactly what we, as pastors, need to do. We need to press on toward the goal of eternity with Jesus as we minister to so many hurting people. This is not always easy. The stress on a pastor and his family is great. Family time is difficult at times due to other people's needs. Pastoral couples find themselves lacking in couple time due to time constraints. All of these things can cause a spiritual dryness if we are not careful. We must stay close to the Lord and pray for Him to open doors for alone time as couples and family time. Sometimes that means saying 'no' and not feeling bad about it. There has to be boundaries that no one can be allowed into our lives. Sometimes the stress can become so great that the enemy gets an open door to cause even more havoc. Once again, it takes staying close to the Lord in order to get through tough days. In Philippians 3 Paul gives advice about forgetting the past and looking to the future. When pastors and families go through stressful days, they have to remember God is their strength. We are not alone in this walk with Him. He is there to give comfort; wisdom; physical, mental, emotional, financial and most of all spiritual strength. He is there when emotions get high and words come out we really don't mean. He is there when children become rebellious and parents don't know what to do. He is there when a spouse feels like they are last on the list of priorities. Plain and simple. He is there.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me the privilege to pray for this pastor and his family. As I prayed for them you brought their youngest to my mind to pray for. I pray he will see how much You love him and also will give his parents strength during tough days. I also prayed for other pastors and families going through some tough days. Father, You are our Strength and for that I am grateful. May You be our words, actions, attitude and focus throughout this day. May You enable us to not just survive but 'thrive' throughout this walk we are on ministering to others. Thank You for being My Living Water. Amen.

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