Monday, September 4, 2017

Hebrews 6:19 - "Love Broke Thru"

"When love broke found me in the darkness...I was a hopeless fool...Now I'm hopelessing devoted...My chains are broken...And it all began with You...When love broke thru..." Woo hoo! Yes! This is what happens when we accept the Lord into our lives. The song continues with the words, "The first time I called You Lord." When we go beyond being content with salvation and take the step of allowing Him to be Lord of Lords of our life His love takes on a whole new meaning. There are even more chains broken when we take that step. We no longer have to fret but can have His peace. We no longer have to wonder about if we are doing what He desires because we will hear His voice and know we are walking in obedience. We no longer have to feel like things are so bad we might as well give up because we will have His hope. A life with Him as Lord of Lords is a life of fulfillment. It is a life of blessings. It is a life where when a curve ball gets thrown your way you are ready to accept it. Actually, you are not only ready to accept it but also ready to embrace it. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song this morning that reminds me of what my life is with You as my Lord of Lords. I pray for those who are not in relationship with You to find You. I pray for believers who are content with salvation to take the next step. I pray for those who are talking the talk to walk the walk. Lord, fill me to overflowing with more of You so You will ooze out of me today. Be my words, actions, attitude and focus in a whole new way. May Your supernatural strength be mine. Thank You Jesus for being My Lord of Lords. Amen.

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