Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Proverbs 22:6 - "Through All Of It"

I woke up a few times during the night and again this morning with these words going through my mind...

Life's been a journey
I've seen joy, I've seen regret
Oh and You have been my God
Through all of it

Joy...yes! Regrets...yes! But the Lord has continued to be with me through both the joys and regrets. He has enabled me to get beyond the regrets of the 'what ifs' or 'if I would have' by empowering me with His supernatural love. This morning when I woke Jimmy up for school I had memories of doing the same with my own boys. Not all the memories were good ones because not everyone is a morning person but there were so many memories that went through my mind. Oh how I miss my boys. When I talk to the Lord about them, He reassures me they are fine in their spiritual walk. That makes me feel good as a Momma. These thoughts took me to Proverbs 22:6...

I am blessed in knowing Paul and Ben are good husband's, daddy's and godly men. As I pray for them throughout my days I pray for them to have a deeper walk with the Lord. I also pray they will realize, as parents, there are joys and there are regrets. I pray they learned from mistakes I made when they were growing up so they don't have the same regrets. I also pray for them to be the head of their household. Too many times women take charge not because they want to but because the husband has a lot of his plate. This is not God's plan and I pray against it for my boys and their ladies. I also am grateful for my Momma who I miss greatly. I am thankful for telephones so I can call her. I remember when I was a little girl long distance calls were expensive. Every month my Daddy had a fit when the phone bill came. She limited her call to her Momma once a week or every other week. I cannot imagine going that long without talking to my Momma. We usually talk every day and sometimes twice a day. I feel so bad when I get busy or don't feel well and miss calling her. She is the only Momma I will ever have and I need to make sure she knows she is loved!

There's a saying about how parents need to give their children roots and wings. The roots grounded in the Lord are so necessary. They give stability and security when chaos occurs. A home filled with the Lord makes the best root system ever. The wings give them freedom to be themselves. The way a child is raised determines how high they will soar. I pray for my grandchildren who are being raised in godly homes to soar to where the Lord takes them in a way that will make their parents as proud of them as I am of my boys.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders from this song this morning. Thank You for blessing me in abundance with boys that are following You. I come in contact with many children who are not blessed with such a home life and that saddens me. Would You enable me to be You to them in ways that will help them be rooted in Your love? Father, You know my heart is breaking over two of 'my boys' who are going through difficult times. I pray for not only their physical needs but most importantly their spiritual needs. Thank You Jesus for being My Heavenly Daddy. Amen.

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