Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Romans 12:1-2 - "From The Inside Out"

"I surrender all...I surrender all...All to Jesus I surrender...I surrender all..." This old hymn was going through my mind this morning when I woke up. Right away I asked the Lord if there were something I had not surrendered. His reply, "No, Daughter but there are many you know who are holding onto things I desire." I started thinking about things I had to surrender to Him. I think the very hardest thing was to surrender the idea that I controlled my life. 'I' kept my calendar. 'I' made decisions on where my money would go. Even though we tithed 'I' still did not allow the Lord to lead the financial decisions made for a long time. 'I' fretted over my family. It was a glorious day when 'I' let go of them. I still pray for their souls but 'I' am not responsible for their decisions. God is. Plain and simple. God is responsible for everything. I asked Him to bring situations and/or people to my mind to pray for. The old 'everyone else does it' excuse is just that. Just because everyone else drives over the speed limit does not make it right. Just because 'no one will know' on this earth when it comes to cheating on your taxes does not make it right. God knows all. 'It is cheaper to live as a couple than to pay for two households without being married is an excuse that can go out the window because God will bless obedience not sin. He will provide finances when we live in His will. When we are living in blatant sin, we cannot hear His voice. We cannot be surrendered to Him in one or two areas of life and truly hear His voice. I remember not too many years ago when I thought I was living in His will yet I found out He wanted me to go deeper in my relationship with Him. I remember hearing His voice yet questioning whether it was Him or not. Once I went deeper those doubts were wiped away. Praise His Holy Name! 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for opening my eyes up to living in the way You desire. Thank You for enabling me to hear Your voice. Father, I pray for those who are not in relationship with You to find You. I also pray for those in relationship with You yet have not surrendered everything to You to find the way of living You so desire for them. In Your Holy Name I pray against the way of the enemy having control over people's lives. I pray against him telling them lies they believe. Father, You are the Truth all need to live out daily. Lord, fill me to overflowing with more of You so people will see and hear You instead of me today. Lord, today is a full day with appointments and church tonight. Thank You for going before me and keeping my focus on You. Thank You for the physical strength You will provide in order for my mental and emotional beings to function. Father, consume me from the inside out so there is no question You are in control of all I say and do. I pray specifically for You to be my attitude today. Thank You Jesus for being My Truth. Amen.

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