Monday, January 23, 2017

James 4:13 - "Washed By The Water"

I woke up this morning to these words going through my head...

Even when the rain falls
Even when the flood starts rising
Even when the storm comes
I am washed by the water

I immediately thought of words I heard this weekend..."Jesus is enough!" What a great reminder! It does not matter what happens in this day. Jesus is enough! It does not matter what I get accomplished in this day. Jesus is enough! It does not matter if I end up going back to bed after my treatment. Jesus is enough! Yes! I can rest in that knowledge! Those three simple words are so powerful yet so comforting. As I live in His Spirit I know whatever happens is His will. That is also a comfort. From time to time my flesh gets in the way and I do something that is not on His agenda. It is important to not only recognize such times but repent for them. Even as we strive to be Christlike we still cannot be perfect as He was. Just as He was tempted, we will be tempted. The difference between us and Him is that we will give into temptation. I am grateful when He empowers me to not give into temptation but I also am grateful when He gives me the capability to recognize when I have. The enemy loves to trip us up and is upset when he doesn't accomplish that. When Jesus was tempted in the garden, satan tried three times to tempt Him. When he realized he was not going to succeed, what did he do? He left Him but not for good. In Luke 4 we read it was "temporarily, lying in wait for another opportunity." When the enemy sees he can't get to us at one time, he leaves us alone for a time and then comes back again. Temptation is not sin. It is only when we give into temptation that sin occurs. When that happens, we must remember the Lord is ready to forgive us. All we have to do is confess.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace! Thank You for loving us even when we give into temptation! Thank You being Enough no matter what happens in this day! Thank You for the reminder from this song that my salvation in You is with me even through tough times. Lord, I'm not sure what today holds but I am sure that You are the One to hold it. I pray for boldness in my words as I go throughout this day. I pray for people to see and hear You instead of me in all I do. Thank You Jesus for being The Holder of My Days. Amen.

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