Tuesday, January 17, 2017

James 4:7-10 - "Thy Will"

This morning the Lord took me to chapter 4 of James and stopped me at verses seven through ten. He reminded me of how my journey with C is easier because I have submitted to Him. He also reminded me that as the days get harder I need to draw closer to Him. I need to trust Him in a whole new way. Verse ten in the NIV says to "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will life you up." Yes! That is the key. As I draw near to Him and allow Him to be greater than me, He will give me the strength for days like today. When I made the decision to get serious in my life of holiness, my relationship with Him went to a whole new level. I trust Him deeper today than in the past. I love Him more today than any other time in my life. I seek Him in a greater way than before. I know He is with me each and every moment and I praise His Holy Name for that knowledge. Can I 'do' today? Nope, not on my own strength. But praise God I don't live in my own strength! He lives in and through me! He is in control of every word that comes out of my mouth, every thought that goes through my mind and everything I do. He also is with me in my attitude. Oh how I desire to please Him in all I say and do. The only way to accomplish that is to be Kingdom Living. C will be dealt with and conquered through Kingdom Living. People may not understand the way I live and that's OK. The Lord is the only One I aim to please. He will deal with their attitudes and actions. I am not responsible for them. I am only responsible for myself and making sure I am living in His will.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for waking me to "Thy Will" this morning. Thank You for the strength You continue to provide in this journey of C. Father, I thought MS was hard but oh my it is a piece of cake compared to these days. Lord, I ask that the cream come today and that it relieves some of this pain. That is a selfish prayer and I am sorry for that. I just don't want this pain to be a distraction that will take my focus off of You. Lord, strengthen my focus. Give me more of Your Spirit today. Bless me with more of You so people will see and hear You instead of me today. Thank You for being My Focus. Amen.

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