Wednesday, January 25, 2017

James 5:10-11 - "Battles"

These last few days have been tough not only on my physical body with this cold but also my emotional body. I go to treatment and end up coming home and going to bed. I am worn out from coughing. Yesterday and today both the Lord woke me up to the song "Battles" that The Afters sing. I am so blessed by these words...

You’re going before me and oceans are parting
You’re fighting my battles
When my feet are failing and my heart is shaking
You’re fighting my battles
Fighting my battles
The Lord has been with me these last twenty-three years with the battle with MS. I am grateful He has kept me with the relapsing-remittance type. Normally people with this type go into a more progressive type by this point in the disease. He has also been with me these last three months with the battle of C. It seems so much longer than three months! I do not understand how anyone can get through such battles without Him. We are reminded in the fifth chapter of James how Job stood up through tough battles in his life. He is one of many examples given to us in the Bible on what we need to do to stay strong in the Lord through tough days. I love the last part of verse eleven of this chapter where it reads, "...God cares, cares right down to the last detail." Yes! He does! I was reminded of this a few days ago as I talked with one about our move to Beaufort. I firmly believe part of the reason for our move was because of C. God knew I needed to be close to doctors and the Cancer Center. He knew Doc did not need to get a part-time job last fall when he desperately was looking. He took care of so many details that we wondered about yet trusted Him with. He was and continues to fight our battles. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for strength for the day ahead. Thank You for the knowledge that tomorrow will be my last treatment. Thank You for taking care of every little detail of my life. Father, fill me to overflowing with You as I go throughout this day. I pray every detail of this day will be blessed with You. Father, be my attitude. Bless me in abundance as I bless others. Thank You Jesus for being My Detailer. Amen.

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