Monday, January 2, 2017

James 5:19-20 - "Come Alive (Dry Bones)"

As I read the last chapter of the book of James this morning I reflected back on all he had wrote about. Prayer, truth, trusting God and helping others to do the same were all part of his teaching. James had such a passion for righteous living. He is a fine example for us to follow today. Some would argue the world has changed and it is not possible. I disagree with that argument. Righteous living can be lived when one gives their all to the Lord. One who lives a holy life is one who has a personal relationship with God, accepts and uses the gifts He gives, and will stand on His truth. Such a person is one who will refuse to live in the ways of the world but instead will live in God's way. One commentator wrote, "Salvation is to be worked into our character and daily life in the form of righteousness." One does not have to sin. Instead they need to make the choice to live in God's will. It is when living in such a relationship that His voice will be heard AND followed. Eternal life with the Lord is not possible without this type of living. James is teaching in verses nineteen and twenty the importance of all who are living a holy life to bring others into such living. A lot of people say they are living a life of holiness but there is no fruit showing from them. Many have never brought someone into relationship with the Lord. Sharing His love is part of holy living. Oh how I pray for more people to grasp what holy living is all about and then live in His will.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for being Who I follow! Thank You for speaking so clearly to me! You are so awesome! I pray for more opportunities to share Your love with others. I pray for more people to come into relationship with You to the point of hearing and following Your will. Father, fill me to overflowing so I can be who You desire me to be. I pray for opportunities for people to see and hear You through me today. Thank You Jesus for being My Will. Amen.

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