Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hebrews 12:11 - "As Long As It Takes"

Last night in my studies I read a lot about being in the "in-between time" after going through a major life event such as a death, divorce, illness, etc. God wants to prepare us for the next step in life. We may want to rush things but it must be in God's time. In one of my textbooks it said there are four 'D' emotions we go through. They are: disorientation, disengagement, disenchantment and despair. These things can pull one down into another D and that is depression. 

It is in the "in-between times" that our faith can grow deeper. In the first chapter of the book of James we are given direction on persevering through trials. Verses two through four reads: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (NIV). Being joyful is the last thing on a person’s mind when in the "in-between times" but when one follows this advice the "in-between time" will go a lot easier and spiritual growth will occur along with healing. There are a lot of things that must occur during this time. One is self-examination. Another is realizing the end is gone and embracing a newness. 

I love this saying in Reflecting God: “Wisdom is the honey that the bees of the in-between times make; you can’t find it anywhere else” (Tracy et al 140). God’s wisdom is the best wisdom of all. When one seeks it, they will be blessed. His wisdom is what will make the difference in living life on this earth and living life on this earth for eternity. Honey is a sweetness...wisdom from the Lord is a sweetness! Woo hoo! I like that!

I am choosing three 'L' things I am doing in my "in-between time" as many things have 'died' in my life and I await the Lord to reveal my next step. This time is not one of just waiting. It is not one where I do nothing. It is one where I seek more of Him.
  • Look to the Lord for His direction...
  • Learn from the Lord as He takes me deeper into His Word...
  • Listen for the Lord for what He has for me...
Waiting is not an easy thing to do but when we wait on the Lord we will be blessed in abundance. We cannot rush anything but instead need to wait on Him. Hebrews 12:11 reads, No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace (NIV). Amen!

This morning I am standing on the words to "As Long As It Takes"...

I'm gonna stay here in this place, as long as it takes.
I want You to hear me say, oh Lord have Your way.
Even if You take me through pain to make me more like You,
I'll stay, I'll stay, as long as it takes.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this "in-between time" that I continue to go deeper with You. Thank You for Your wisdom. Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for Your peace that is in me. Father, I pray for more of You to overflow from me. May Your words be my words and Your attitude by my attitude in all I do. Lord, there are so many people to pray for. Meet the spiritual needs of all. I pray for physical healing in bodies and emotional healing for so many. Father, speak to me today in a way that I will not only hear but especially I will listen to. Thank You Jesus for being My Waiting Place. Amen.

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