Sunday, October 11, 2015

Colossians 3:23-24 - "Holy Spirit"

I woke up this morning singing "Holy Spirit" and immediately started praying for every service in a church today to experience the Holy Spirit in a life-changing way.

Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord
Your presence, Lord

I pray the Holy Spirit would have free reign in services to not only be present but to work in and through the people. Oh what a glorious day it would be in all services if instead of the pastor preaching the Holy Spirit took over and people were filled with Him! Woo hoo! That would be so awesome! May pastors sense His prompting and follow through with His desires...may people not be afraid but instead be willing to follow His lead...may some great and mighty things happen today all across our land.

There's nothing worth more
That could ever come close
No thing can compare
You're our living hope
Your presence, Lord
I've tasted and seen
Of the sweetest of loves
Where my heart becomes free
And my shame is undone
Your presence, Lord

Yes! His presence is where I pray for people to live. His presence is where people will know what it is He wants of them. His presence is where there is freedom to do His will. His presence is where people don't matter but what He desires of us does. I think of Colossians 3:23 the Lord gave me many years ago when I was trying to do everything anyone wanted me to do as a pastor's wife. It is through this type of living that eternal life is found. It is also through living for Him in a life of surrender that freedom is found. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
I praise Your Holy Name for the way You love us in a way that is awesome! Lord, I pray for people to be filled with the Holy Spirit today in a way that there will be no doubt You are the Lord of Lords and King of Kings of their life. Father, speak to people in a way that will bring freedom to them as they worship You. Lord, I am so excited to go to church today and see people released from bondages. I pray for those who will receive freedom today from thoughts of 'the way things use to be' or 'what will people think of me?' I pray for Worship Leaders and Pastors to not only hear from You but most importantly to listen to Your direction. Oh, Holy Spirit come down in a mighty way! Thank You Jesus for being My Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Amen.

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