Thursday, January 4, 2018

Matthew 6:10 - "Thy Will"

One should not pray the Lord's Prayer just because they were raised praying it or because they like the words to it. They should pray it because they mean each and every word. The words "on earth as it is in heaven" have great meaning. There is no sickness or disease in heaven. There is no poverty or abuse in heaven. There is no hatred or slander in heaven. Instead heaven is a place of purity. How can it be that earth can be the same as heaven? The only way would be for all people to be pure in the love of Christ. That world would take people dying to self and walking in obedience to the Lord.That world would be a perfect world. Last night I prayed for different ones who are struggling in this fallen world to realize He is the answer to a better life. Problems of this world may not disappear the instant they give Him control of their life but the solution will be easier to live out than how they are living now. I prayed for...

  • many who are being effected by this storm with a loss of income and an increase in expenses
  • those who do not have adequate housing, food or necessities
  • many elderly who are alone...some who are frightened by things such as the weather and what will happen to them
  • the Momma in prison who is missing her children
  • the believer who is so caught up in herself that she is missing God's message to her
  • the Momma who is homeless
  • the young Momma struggling with not seeing her little girl
  • many who have lost loved ones over the last couple of weeks...those who are not believers in these families to realize the strength others have in the Lord is what they need
Everyone I prayed for needs to realize heaven on earth. They need to realize the peace that comes from being in full relationship with the Lord. They need to comprehend the idea they do not have to know everything that is ahead but rather need to trust in the Lord. They need to understand having faith in the Lord is all it takes to live out each and every day where He desires them to be.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the realization that living in full relationship with You is the perfect place to live. Thank You for Your peace. Thank You for Your direction that gives me freedom in my daily life. Father, I pray for these ones I brought to You last night. I pray they will find such peace and freedom. Thank You for the improvement in the Taylor children. May You continue to be this family's strength through these tough days. Use this situation to draw them and others closer to You. Father, I pray for the workers out in this weather to be safe. I pray people will love on them with Your love. I also pray for peace over homes in turmoil with the extra days of children and parents at home. Cleanse me of anything not of You so You can fill me up with more of You. May You use me as a beacon of light in my little world. Thank You Jesus for being My Will. Amen.

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