Thursday, January 18, 2018

Joel 2:28/Acts 2:17-21 - "Believer"

Last night in Bible study Doc gave 'homework' to take a step closer to God this next week. He talked about communication being key in our relationship with God. He gave the example of how we, as parents of adult children, desire to have communication with them. God is the same with us. His desire is to be in communication with us all the time. There are some barriers to such communication. Sin in our lives can be a barrier. Another barrier is our 'busyness' which is a sin in itself. Another one can be unbelief or lack of faith. It is important to daily ask for a cleansing of any such barriers so He can fill us up with His Spirit. I started thinking about what it would look like if all believers took a step closer to Him. What it would look like in a corporate body of believers if all the members took such a step. It would look like the early church in the book of Acts. There would be excitement and anticipation of gathering together instead of feeling like it was something that had to be done. There would be sharing with all in His love. There would be new converts regularly. Miracles would no longer be few and far between but instead would flow fluently. People would not shy away from prayer meetings but instead there would be multiple ones throughout the week. Clocks would no longer rule church services but instead the Holy Spirit would have free reign. Worship would no longer be just for Sundays but instead would happen 24/7. It also would no longer be dead but would be joyful. The prophecy of Joel and later proclaimed by Peter would happen. I know of some bodies of believers who are experiencing this type of setting on different levels. Some have seen a glimpse of it while others seem to be getting the just of what it means to be living close to God. I desire to not only be in such a relationship personally but also with my Christian brothers and sisters. The end goal for all should be living for eternity for the Lord. I can't see any better way than starting such living while on this earth.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the Bible study last night. Thank You for leading Doc to this teaching. Father, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so Your Spirit can fill me to over flowing. I pray for more believers to have such desire in their heart as well. Lord, set hearts on fire for Your glory. I pray for those who are dealing with pain to have relief. I pray for those recuperating from surgery to have Your strength. I pray for those grieving to have Your peace. Most of all I pray for those who do not believe to have someone go before them today so they can come into relationship with You. I also pray for those who do believe to take a step closer to You. Father, thank You for being My Now and Later. Amen.

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