Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Luke 2:17; Psalm 46:10 - "In The Eye of the Storm"

Yesterday memories came flooding back as I was out and about. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is shopping. The day after Christmas was always a fun day as I would go to find deals for next Christmas, birthdays, shoeboxes, etc. I was blessed in life with three men who loved to shop. My Daddy took me shopping many times when I was growing up. Doc could shop a lot longer than I could physically hold out. Rickey loved to shop in thrift stores, garage sales, discount stores, etc. As I walked into Wal-Mart yesterday I praised God for the opportunity because last year I was physically unable to to do so. When I walked into Marc's, the tears once again came as the last time I was there Rickey was with me as we did some Christmas shopping. Driving down High Street the tears began once again as I passed Dravenstott's. Memories are everywhere. I am thankful for them even though they bring on tears. As I looked out my Momma's front window I thought about how Rickey loved to sit on the porch and watch people go by. That was one of my Daddy's favorite pastimes. When I drove to Ohio this summer, Rickey took this picture and said 'it is a match made in heaven.' He loved his vintage vehicles but he also loved my Mercedes. Ahhhhh the memories. Once again, I am so thankful to have them. I was thinking this morning about the word God gave me for 2022. PonderThe definition for 'ponder' is: think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion. The first thing that came to my mind when God gave me this word was Luke 2:19. It reads in the New International VersionBut Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Mary had much to ponder upon with being chosen to be the mother of Jesus. Life was not a bed of roses with the task given her but she embraced it and lived in obedience to her Heavenly Father. As I read the definition of this word and apply it to Mary's situation I can only imagine how her mind must have been racing with all that occurred. But this verse also tells me she did not make hasty decisions but instead pondered them in her heart. This word reminds me to walk in Psalm 46:10. Be still and know that I am God in the days ahead. As we are still it allows God to be His Great Self in our lives. Unfortunately, this is something we don't always do. Sometimes we think about things and try to make them be as we desire instead of allowing Him to work in and through us. The more I ponder, the more He will be Who He desires to be in my life so I can be who He desires me to be. I ponder my memories and am grateful. I will be still before the Lord and be grateful in the knowledge He knows what is ahead for me. Once again I am reminded of my time by the ocean on Christmas Day when He spoke to me so clearly. "Daughter, just as I know where every grain of sand will end up I know of you. Do not fear. I am with you." Woo hoo! What wonderful words to hear from my Heavenly Father! I am reminded this morning of the song "In The Eye of the Storm" and so grateful for the peace God gives me when I am still before Him.

In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
In the middle of the war, You guard my soul
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm
Mmm, when my hopes and dreams are far from me, and I'm runnin' out of faith
I see the future I picture slowly fade away
And when the tears of pain and heartache are pouring down my face
I find my peace in Jesus' name

Dear Jesus, Thank You for all of the memories You brought to me yesterday and for the tears that were shed in the process! I know it is part of the healing process and I know You are loving me through it. Thank You for Anna, Michael, and Matt having another Christmas celebration! Father, continue to heal our hearts as the memories of Rickey in our lives come before us. I pray for Matt today with his shoulder surgery. May You be his strength in the days of recuperation that are ahead and may he lean into Your strength. Father, I also pray for a friend who is undergoing testing for possible mesothelioma. Lord, be so real to her in these days. I pray the same for a friend separated from her family after a recent loss of a loved one. May she feel Your presence in these days of separation. I pray for another friend who is seeking Your wisdom with marital issues. May he be open to what You desire of him to do. Father, there are so many hurting for so many different reasons. I was thinking about the concept of mourning a loss in life. It does not have to be death that causes loss. It can be loss of a relationship, divorce, job, a 'normal' activity in life due to an illness, etc. I pray for all who are going through 'tough' days to lean into You. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Tony and Madeline; Cait; Mike; Norma Hall; Carrie; Little Jensen who needs a heart; many with COVID; Sharon Sebolt; the Pottenger Family; Serena's husband; some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; a young man out of rehab who needs strength in his daily walk; a husband/father separated from his wife; Cyndi; Daniel; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many who are dealing with 'c'...Doug and Gay; Sharon's daughter Ashley and niece Amy; Chrissy's cousin; George and Sharon; Cait's friend with leukemia; my pastor friend with daily chemo; Elaine Stoltzfus; Tammie; and Little Ivy. Thank You for guiding the surgeon's hands as Sheri had surgery yesterday! I pray Your peace over Jennifer's coworker whose mother appears to be in her last days on this earth. Lord, empower us through the hurts of life. Thank You for my friend being able to function more yesterday and decreasing their oxygen as they continue the battle with COVID. I ask for You to wrap Your loving arms around Bill's family and Ashley's family with their recent losses. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You shine brightly through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today. Lord, give me physical strength to not just get through the day ahead but to enjoy it. Thank You for the time ahead today with Paul, Liz, and Miss Bella! Thank You for being My Anchor! Amen. 

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