Saturday, December 25, 2021

Genesis 1:26; John 1:5 - "Somewhere In Your Silent Night"


I was awake three times during the night and each time God encouraged me to pray for those who are hurting from loss. Loss comes in many forms. It comes from the loss of a loved one to death but it also comes in the form of the loss of a loved one through separation and/or divorce. Loss can be experienced through a move away from family and friends. It can  be experienced when one's job is lost. I remember feeling a loss when I was diagnosed with MS because I felt life would never be the same again. There is so much loss today. My heart breaks for those who are not in relationship with the Lord. I cannot imagine going through great loss without His strength. I heard a lady say this week it was going to be a different type of Christmas this year because she had lost her daughter. I pray she has God's peace to lean into. I prayed for her but I wish I would have prayed with her. I was a mess myself with the tears falling and missed that opportunity. In last night's service I spoke about Jesus being our Light in the darkness of this world. There is so much darkness and the enemy tries to increase it daily. We must allow God to live in and through us so He will shine brightly through us. I shared how I feel like my light is 'dim' in these days. It is not that I want it to be dim but it feels dim. There have been times over these last few weeks where I felt like God was using me and shining through me yet there have been more times I felt like my light was dim. Genesis 1:26 reads, Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, after our likeness." Woo hoo! We are made in God's likeness. That means we carry His light in us. His spirit of light and love lives in all who are in relationship with Him. Even when the enemy tries to dim my light he does not have the power to do so unless I allow him. Praise God! I am so thankful for this knowledge and for the words of John 1:5. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Woo hoo! Last night my friend Darrell asked me about my plans for today. I told him I had invitations but was waiting to see how I felt today because I have been struggling emotionally. He said, "Please don't let the devil win on this day. The most holiest day." I do not want to allow the devil any foothold into my life. I desire to lean into God's strength to get through these days. God put this picture before me for a reason. I cannot bring Doc nor Rickey back but I can love on others as they did. I have had so many conversations with people who Rickey touched by just listening to them and encouraging them. I need to get better at being that kind of person. I am reminded this morning of a song Casting Crowns sings called "Somewhere In Your Silent Night"...

From heaven's height to manger low
There is no distance the Prince of Peace won't go
From manger low to Calvary's hill
When your pain runs deep
His love runs deeper still
He has always loved you, child
And He always will

Somewhere in your silent night
Heaven hears the song your broken heart has cried
Hope is here, just lift your head
For love has come to find you
Somewhere in your silent night

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the opportunity to pray for many during the night who have experienced loss! I pray Your peace over each one and Your wisdom as they continue on in life. Thank You for Darrell's words last night that encourage me to not allow the enemy to win in my life! Thank You for the ways You love on me! Father, I can't imagine waking this morning without You being in my life. Oh how I pray for more people to come into relationship with You. I pray for those already in relationship with You to go deeper. As I said last night, I firmly believe we need to dig our heels in deeper in the new year ahead. Empower us Father. Lord, I pray for Anna, Michael, and Matt to not only feel Your presence but to bask in the memories of their Dad. I pray for myself to not dwell on the 'what ifs' or the dreams Rickey and I had but to live as he did being a great friend who listened well. I pray for many going through 'tough' days to feel Your presence in their lives. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Tony and Madeline; Cait; Mike; Norma Hall; Carrie; Little Jensen who needs a heart; many with COVID; Sharon Sebolt; the Pottenger Family; Serena's husband; some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; a young man out of rehab who needs strength in his daily walk; a husband/father separated from his wife; Cyndi; Daniel; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many who are dealing with 'c'...Doug and Gay; Sharon's daughter Ashley and niece Amy; Chrissy's cousin; George and Sharon; Ashley's father-in-law; Cait's friend with leukemia; my pastor friend with daily chemo; Elaine Stoltzfus; Tammie; and Little Ivy. I pray Your peace over Jennifer's coworker whose mother appears to be in her last days on this earth. Lord, may we all remember Your love is greater than any hurt that comes our way. Thank You for being My Light! Amen.

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