Saturday, October 31, 2020

Proverbs 3:5-6 - "I Know"

Oh how I enjoyed last night with going to the Big Daddy Weave/Zach Williams concert with Sandy, Will, and Carol. I've been saying I wanted to do something 'fun' and this was it! I'm so tired today but it was worth it! God healed my soul again through the tears that fell during Big Daddy Weave's song I Know. As the tears fell and the sobs came Sandy blessed me with a hug. These words touched the depth of my heart...

You don't answer all my questions
But You hear me when I speak
You don't keep my heart from breakin'
But when it does, You weep with me...

I know that You are good
I know that You are kind
I know that You are so much more
Than what I leave behind
I know that I am loved
I know that I am safe
Cause even in the fire to live is Christ, to die is gain
I know that You are good

I don't understand the sorrow
But You're calm within the storm
Sometime this weight is overwhelming
But I don't carry it alone...

On my darkest day
From my deepest pain
Through it all, my heart, will choose to sing Your praise...

These are the days I continue to live in. Life can be so overwhelming but God is always here with me. When I feel so alone, He provides a friend with loving words. When I feel like I cannot carry on, He provides exactly what I need. I Know beyond a doubt He is with me. Praise His Holy Name! I Know God has always been with me and I Know He will continue to be. I Know He will never leave me but instead directs me to walk in His will and gives me the desire in my heart to do so. I Know I do not have to be afraid of what is ahead. All I have to do is trust Him and allow Him to be not only my King of Kings but my Lord of Lords. I am reminded this morning of Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust. It is not a big word but it is packed full of a big way to live. In The Message it reads:

Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
    don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
    He’s the one who will keep you on track.

It takes listening to Him to be able to trust Him. It takes dying to self so He is our total focus. There is no better way to live than in this manner. It is the easiest way to live and is full of blessings. God continues to give me what I need in these dark days. He brings light where it is needed so greatly. He puts people in my path that encourage me and love on me. My tribe continue to support me so greatly. Getting mail of encouragement, spending time with friends, bringing songs and Scripture before me that are part of my healing process...the list goes on and on. Praise His Holy Name!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessing last night with the concert with Sandy, Will, and Carol! Thank You for the healing that occurred! Another first without Doc. Oh how I am so grateful You continue to be my strength in these tough days. Thank You for the blessing yesterday of being at the church building at the exact time I needed to be there! Thank You for those who will come today to work at the building and for the work that will be accomplished! Father, I pray You will empower all of us to realize it will be finished in Your time. I pray You will cleanse my soul of anything not of You as I begin another day. May You empower me with Your strength. May You give me Your wisdom but most of all I pray for You to flow out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today. My physical body does not want to go. I pray for an extra dose of Your strength to not just get through the day but for You to be glorified through it! There are a couple people heavy on my heart today with the circumstances they are going through. May You be greater then the hurts of their heart and continue to be greater than the hurts of my own heart. Thank You Father for being The One I Trust! Amen.

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