Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Psalm 22 - "Into The Seas"

I woke up during the night and prayed for so many people who are going through some tough days physically with surgeries, illnesses, disease, etc. I prayed for so many who recently lost a loved one or friend. Then the Lord turned my prayers to those with spiritual needs. My heart aches for those who are not in relationship with Him. It breaks for those who know Him yet are not living for Him. I am not judging people. I am loving them. In our Matthew study this week judgement is discussed. We are not to judge people but He does expect us to be in right relationship with Him so we can guide others down the right path. We cannot lead others if we are not walking in obedience to Him. We cannot talk to someone about something they are or are not doing if we are not asking forgiveness ourselves every day. We must be cleansed daily of known and unknown things that can separate us from God. We are not separated from His love because He loves us unconditionally. But we can be separated from Him in relationship when we are not walking as He desires. I think of so many who know Him yet are not living for Him. It saddens my heart to see people seeking 'things' of the world to make them happy. God is the Only One who can satisfy us. He is the Only One who can love on us with total unconditional love. Many people blame God for their circumstances. Many will say 'God did this to me' or 'God must not love me because I am going through this'! Satan is the one who puts evilness in our lives. God does not but He will allow us to go through things so we will realize He is the Way we need to live. This morning God took me Psalm 22. Some believe this follows the time when Jesus was on the cross. It begins by asking God why He had left them and ends with the feeling of being finished. This Psalm is one where the author cries out for deliverance for what they are going through. It is full of pain and grief but ends with praise. I love verses twenty-five through twenty-nine in The Message that show the end result of praise after going through a difficult time.

Here in this great gathering for worship I have discovered this praise-life.
And I’ll do what I promised right here in front of the God-worshipers.
Down-and-outers sit at God’s table and eat their fill.
Everyone on the hunt for God is here, praising him.
“Live it up, from head to toe. Don’t ever quit!”

From the four corners of the earth people are coming to their senses,

    are running back to God.

Long-lost families are falling on their faces before him.

God has taken charge; from now on he has the last word.

All the power-mongers are before him—worshiping!

All the poor and powerless, too—worshiping!

Along with those who never got it together—worshiping!

Woo hoo! What a wonderful place to be where everyone is worshiping God! I can't even begin to imagine what such a world would look like. Even in churches not everyone worships God. Some go to church because 'it's the right thing to do' yet they never worship Him. That makes my heart sad too. Oh how I love to be around people who truly worship Him. I love to have people encourage me with His love. Today as Mr. Fran is laid to rest there is celebrating in knowing he will no longer be dealing with swollen legs or weakness. He is now walking in a new body. Woo hoo! But I'm sad to lose one of my biggest cheerleaders on this earth. He was always ready to encourage me in my studying, preaching, etc. When I went through tough times, he was always there with a word of support. When I was going through tough days with Doc and the cancer, Mr. Fran would call me to encourage me to not give up. Oh how I will miss him. Doc and him were always encouraging me to keep going in ministry. I feel sad I will no longer have that encouragement. I remember a few years ago when my Daddy and my friend Lenore both left this earth within a short time. I was devastated because the two of them prayed for me faithfully and encouraged me through phone calls. God assured me there would be others to take their place to pray for me. I know He has provided and will continue to provide people to encourage me. I am so thankful for that knowledge. I also am thankful for words such as Psalm 22 that encourage me to continue sharing His love so more people will worship Him.

Dear Jesus

Thank You for all the ways You love on me through people, Your Word, songs, etc.! Thank You for Amy and her family who had me over for dinner last night! Thank You for my experience yesterday where BAM out of the blue You gave me the sermon You want me to present Sunday! That was such a cool experience! My hands could not type fast enough! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit. May You shine brightly through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a new, different way. Lord, I'm praying for so many who are going through physical issues. Ellen; Sharon; Nichole; Mary's great nephew Payton; Deb; Colleen; Debbie; and many others. I also am praying for many who have experienced the recent loss of a loved one. Sherry; Mr. Fran's family; Marsha; Amanda; and our family with Doc leaving this earth. Father, I pray especially for those with spiritual needs to come to the end of themselves and allow You to live in and through them as You desire. I also pray for Your presence in my appointment with the attorney this afternoon. May You give me clarity in my thinking. Thank You for the comfort in knowing "It's gonna be ok!" Thank You Jesus for being The One I Praise! Amen.

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