Friday, October 2, 2020

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - "Into The Sea"

The song Into The Sea continues to be in my thoughts. The words are so meaningful.

Though the mountains may be moved into the sea Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way I can hear my Father singing over me "It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay"

I remember telling Doc over and over that I would be ok when he left this earth. I truly felt that to be the truth. God has been with me through some pretty tough days and I know He will continue to be with me through the ones ahead. I was so blessed when Doc and I talked and he confirmed he also knew I would be ok because God was with me. This was a conversation the Lord knew I needed to have. I am so grateful for those last months/weeks/days where we talked. Of course, there is always things I wish we would have talked about but God knew what was important. He knew it was important to have those talks to reflect upon during the days ahead. He knew it was vital to my faith to have Doc fill my spiritual tank throughout our conversations. He knew I needed to feel His love through Doc. Plain and simple. He knew. He also continues to know what I need. He knows when I need to let the tears fall and when I need to sob. I am so grateful for such a loving God. I praise Him for making my thoughts to continue that "It's gonna be okay..." I continue to seek His will for my life. I will say one of the things I miss most is having Doc here to bounce ideas off of or to talk things out. I miss him praying with me at bedtime. He was more than a husband to me. He was my spiritual leader and for that I am so grateful. I am grateful the Lord continues to stay near me. The song continues...

From beginning to the end You're so close You have never let me down And You won't In the valley, in the shadow I know You're so close You're so close

Yes! He is close to me. I feel His strength and wisdom. When I fall apart, I feel His loving arms around me. I don't like this life without my honey but I have to accept it. I miss him so much but I have to remember I will see him again. I know the only way for that to happen is to walk in Jesus' love and live out His will. I am grateful for His guidance through these tough days but most of all I am grateful for the peace He provides. I am grateful for the memories and pictures I have to look back on. I am grateful God continues to be near me in this season of life I am in.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the way You are loving me through some pretty tough days! Thank You for the way You wrap Your loving arms around me! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be seen/heard in my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a new, different way. I praise You Doc is no longer suffering. It is so hard to believe it was four weeks ago today he took his last breath on this earth and walked into Your arms. I am jealous of what he is experiencing and I know I must continue living in Your will so I can enjoy such life. Lord, go before today and make be a beacon of light for You. I pray You will be very near to all who are hurting whether their hurt is physical, mental, emotional, financial but especially spiritual. I pray for believers to make a difference in people's lives today more than ever before. Thank You Jesus for being My Closeness! Amen.

1 comment:

Aritha said...

Sharing this with you (and I hope you like this little bible study today)

The earth be removed…the mountains carried…the waters roar…the mountains shake: The psalmist considered the most frightening, humbling natural phenomenon imaginable. He then made the reasoned estimation that God was greater than them all ...

God bless you.