Thursday, October 29, 2020

Psalm 14 - "Famous For (I Believe)"

Yesterday was full of blessings as the Lord took my sermon parts and put them together, I rested, and then with Bible study last night. Woo hoo, God! It is days like this that make me pray more for people who are not in relationship with Him. It makes me sad as I pray for people by name who do not live for Him. They are missing out on so much. It makes me sad to think of people living for eternity in hell instead of with our Heavenly Father but we all have a choice to make. We must choose God and His way of life on this earth if we want to live with Him in heaven. Last night's discussion about false teachers brought my thoughts to how much of a responsibility I have as an overseer. I must make sure to keep my focus on God at all time so the enemy does not trick me into doing or saying something not of God. I must make sure every teaching that comes out of my mouth glorifies Him. Last night I saw this picture and thought 'amen!'

This is exactly the way I strive to live my life. I desire to fulfill His will every day and from this way of living He will be glorified. He did not bring the Israelites out of Egypt, perform miraculous healings, etc. for us just to live on this earth. God sent His Son Jesus to this earth to live, die, and come back to life so we could all live. His life's purpose was for all of us to have eternal life with Him. As a believer it is my responsibility to walk in His will so He will be glorified. I do not ever want Psalm 14:2-3 to happen yet I know there are many in our world who do not follow God. In reads in The Message:

God sticks his head out of heaven.
    He looks around.
He’s looking for someone not stupid—
    one man, even, God-expectant,
    just one God-ready woman.

He comes up empty. A string of zeros.

    Useless, unshepherded sheep,

    taking turns pretending to be Shepherd.

The ninety and nine follow their fellow.

Matthew Henry writes of this Psalm: 

Let us lament the corruption of our nature, and see what need we have of the grace of God: let us not marvel that we are told we must be born again. And we must not rest in any thing short of union with Christ, and a new creation to holiness by his Spirit.

All people need to realize His love and we all must share His love so others can also be in relationship with Him. Our Shepherd would never give up when one of His sheep walked away from Him. We, as overseers, must never give up when people walk away from God. Sometimes we need to quit pursuing people so their hearts do not become too hardened but we can never stop praying for them.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for this Scripture this morning that reminds me not quit loving on people with Your love! Thank You for the reminder that You never give up on us when we walk away from You! Thank You for the blessings of yesterday with the way You brought all my sermon prep together into what You desire for me to preach this week! Thank You for our time in Bible study last night! Thank You for the way You loved on me through Miss Everly's hugs yesterday! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You shine brightly through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a new, different way. May You put people before me who will experience Your love through me. I pray especially for: Jenn as she has her daughter in Akron Children's to receive answers; Elizabeth to experience Your strength, wisdom, and peace today; my Momma to feel better; Nicole and Donna with physical pain; and for all of those who need a spiritual touch. Lord, be greater than the hurts of our heart. I am so blessed by the way You continue to give me thoughts about Doc that encourage me to keep going in this life without him. Oh how I miss him and Mordecei. Sometimes the aches are so overwhelming but I am thankful Your love is greater. I praise You for Marlene's Momma and husband doing so much better after going through the COVID and for Bentley testing negative yesterday. Lord, I don't understand why I have nights with so little sleep. I pray You will give me Your supernatural strength to not just get through this day on three hours of sleep but for You to be glorified through it. Thank You for continuing to be with all who are in the path of another hurricane! Thank You for being My Shepherd! Amen.

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