Friday, October 16, 2020

Psalm 98 - "Sing Unto The Lord"

Sometime when I was woke up by Mordecei during the night I thought about how I know why people have their babies earlier in life. I am too old for this getting up once or twice during the night. When I woke up, the first thing that came to my mind was the Lord telling me to read Psalm 98. Sometimes God sure does have a sense of humor. This Psalm tells us to Sing a new song to the Lord (vs 1)...Shout to the Lord, all the earth; break out in praise and sing in joy! (vs 4) NLT. We are told to be joyful in the Lord for he has done wonderful deeds (vs 1). It does not say we are to joyful in the Lord just when we get a good night's rest or when our day goes right. It does not say we are to be joyful in the Lord when we feel like it. It clearly tells us we have much to be joyful in the Lord for as we think about His salvation, our relationship with Him, etc. So here I am starting my day with a headache from interrupted sleep, feeling like I just want to go back to bed, and feeling a bit crabby. It is quite obvious what the Lord is telling me this morning. My circumstances starting out this day do not change my relationship with Him unless I allow the enemy an open door. My lack of sleep should not change the way I go throughout my day. Instead I need to pray for God to empower me to not just get through this day but for Him to be glorified through it. I don't want to be crabby nor do I want to miss any opportunity to share His love with anyone He puts before me. Therefore, I am going to take a deep breath and pray for His physical, mental, emotional, and most of all spiritual strength to come down upon me in a mighty way. Even though I can't go back to bed this morning due to obligations I pray there will be a nap this afternoon if I am still feeling tired. This Psalm reminds me of a song I loved singing with Rabbi William's congregation. Sing Unto The Lord A New Song.

Sing Unto The Lord A New Song
Sing Unto The Lord All The Earth.

The Lord Is Great And Greatly To Be Praised.

The Lord Is Great And Greatly To Be Praised...

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for taking me to Psalm 98 this morning to remind me to rejoice in You no matter what my circumstances! Thank You for reminding me to not allow the lack of sleep from last night to determine how my day goes! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me with more of You! Thank You for going before me today and empowering me to not allow the enemy any open door into my life! Thank You for giving me the physical, mental, emotional, and most of all spiritual strength to not just get through the day ahead but for You to be glorified through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts! Thank You for knocking the crabbiness I was feeling out! Lord, I pray for so many people who are going through 'tough' days. Some have physical needs, some have emotional needs, some have financial needs, and most of all I pray for those with spiritual needs. I had mixed emotions yesterday when I received the news of my dear neighbor Grammy taking her last breath. I know there was rejoicing in heaven but oh how my heart hurts with the news. Another one of my supporters who prayed for me often has left the earth. It is comforting to think of her talking and laughing with Doc and Mr. Fran. The three of them had some special conversations here on this earth. Once again I am feeling a little jealous that they are there and I am here but I know there is still things for me to accomplish here. May You continue to give me exactly what I need to walk in obedience to Your will so people will be loved with Your love through me. May You continue to give me Your wisdom and strength as I do things out of my ordinary. I pray today as I go looking for the door hardware You will bless my efforts. I also continue to pray for Your wisdom and strength for Tisha's family. Thank You Jesus for being The One I Praise! Amen.


Sandi said...

Is Rabbi William's congregation Messianic?

Aritha said...

Thank you so much!

My Strength said...

Sandi, yes they are. I loved worshiping with them!

My Strength said...

Aritha, you are very welcome!