Thursday, October 15, 2020

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - "Blessings"

God gives us gifts every day. He gives us gifts that no one else can give. His gifts are cemented into our memory bank. As we unwrap them over and over again we receive them as gifts once again. My list of His gifts go on and on. My most recent gifts were: Doc's final words of 'I love you'; laughter with friends Sunday; a long-overdue visit with friends yesterday; cards, calls, texts, etc. received over these 'tough' days; knowing I have enjoyed having Mordecei as my four-legged buddy for over eleven years; calls from my boys; still having my Momma on this earth to call...oh my the list goes on and on. God gifted me with Doc as my husband for just nineteen days shy of thirty-one years. He gifted me with him not only being my husband but my pastor and spiritual mentor. He gifted me with years of being spoiled by the man who I never thought I could live without. He also gifted me with peace through these days of adjustment to life without him. He gifted me with my tribe who take care of me so well. So, so many gifts. It made me stop and think about what have a done with the gifts He has given me? Have I given Him memories to look back upon and be blessed through? I sure hope so but I know I need to get better at showing my appreciation to Him. I had a situation not long ago where I left a person He put before me feeling like I fell short on what He wanted me to say to them. I'm not sure why it happened. I didn't feel rushed and she was open to talking with me. I gave her my card but I don't think that was enough. I feel like I missed an opportunity to share more about Him. I shared some but why did I hold back? Sometimes I know the Holy Spirit is stopping me but I don't believe that was the case. Plain and simple. I failed to complete the task before me. Shame on me. Lord, forgive me. I hope He gives me another time with this person and that she is open when that opportunity happens. I am so grateful for second chances. I am grateful for all the times I missed opportunities He gave me and then gave me another chance. I am grateful He is always there to encourage me. My memories encourage me greatly to keep on walking in obedience to Him. If I didn't have my memories, life would be very sad. Instead life is encouraging and good. Yes! Today is a day where life is not just 'OK' but it is good! Woo hoo! I saw this poem this morning and it encouraged me greatly to have a good day!

When Doc left this earth, he physically left me but he is still with me in spirit. He lives through me. His strength is felt in everything I do because He walked a road of obedience to our loving God. His wisdom is realized as I think back on things we talked about, his preaching, etc. His love is felt through the memories and pictures I have to think back on. God gave me him as a gift. I wish he would still be with me but I never would want him to still be suffering. I was asked the other day 'why' God let such a 'good man' suffer as he did. I don't have the answer other than I pray someone came into relationship with God or took their relationship deeper with God through what Doc went through. I know my relationship with God strengthened through what that time. I also pray there are people who have or will make amends with family they are in turmoil with through him leaving this earth. We never know when our last breath will be taken. We need to be ready for that time in our spiritual life with our Heavenly Father and in our relationships with others. We may think 'there is more time' but that will not come to pass if it is not in God's plan. 

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the 'good' day ahead! Thank You for being with me as I bring my sermon together to be what You desire for me to share! Thank You for my visit yesterday with Ms Bev, Norma, and Leslie! Thank You for all of the gifts You gift me every day including this poem this morning that reminds me Doc is still with me! Thank You for cleansing me so You can wash me white as snow! Thank You for going before me and being exactly what I need to walk the road of obedience to Your will! Thank You for continually being with Tisha's family through this accident! Thank You for opening doors for me to love with Your love in a new, different way today! Thank You Jesus for being My The One To Gift Me! Amen.

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