Monday, October 19, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Rescue Story"

I don't know what was going on last night but I could not go to sleep. I thought about taking something to help me sleep but by then it was after 2AM and knowing I had to get up early this morning it was too late. I'm not sure how I will function today but there are some things on the calendar that make me not have a choice. I thought about my sermon yesterday where I talked about the days of having a to-do list. I'm thankful God 'broke' me of that habit. I'm thankful He is in control of my days. I'm thankful I do not have to worry about what I have to accomplish in the day ahead because He is in control of the day. I'm thankful He was the One who got me through a tough morning yesterday and will see me through the day that is ahead today. He is the One who knows how I am struggling with MS tingling in my face and head and will either calm it down or give me the strength to not just through it but to glorify Him through it. When I couldn't go to sleep and then again this morning the words to Rescue Story are going through my head.

You were the voice in the desert
Calling me out in the dead of night
Fighting my battles for me
You are my rescue story
Lifted me up from the ashes
Carried my soul from death to life
Bringing me from glory to glory
You are my rescue story

Yes! He fights every battle I go through! He rescues me from every attack of the enemy and strengthen my faith through it. I do not have to fear anything but can stand in the know
ledge that He will empower me through the 'tough' days of life. I will continue to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His empowerment and strength. I will continue to praise Him through everything that comes my way. I will allow Him to work in and through me in ways unimaginable to man. Plain and simple. I will be who He has called me to be. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,

Yesterday morning was tough. Last night was tough. This morning is tough. Praise Your Holy Name You are greater than these tough times! I praise You for loving on me so much that You never leave me but instead empower me through these tough times. I praise You for being My Constant Companion no matter what is happening. Father, I have some tough things happening in the week ahead and need to feel Your presence and empowerment in a mighty way. Oh how life would be so much easier if Doc were still with me but he isn't. As I go through these things I miss not having him to talk to and cry with. I don't understand why he had to leave me but I know You are still in control and I thank You for that knowledge. Lord, give me what I need through these tough times. I pray especially for the tingling in my face and now my head to stop but if that is not in Your plan I pray You will empower me through it. Thank You Jesus for being My Constant Companion! Amen.

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