Monday, October 26, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Not Today"

Yesterday when I started the live feed the sound was horrible. I unplugged and started again a few times but nothing worked. I had already taken one of my 'hippy hippy shake' pills and had the tingling happening in my face and head so I knew there were challenges ahead. Praise God for Will who suggested I just use the mic in my cell phone! It worked but then as soon as that problem was solved there were so many distractions. I was frustrated and my words through the announcements showed that frustration until God clearly said, "Daughter stop and pray." Woo hoo God! I prayed for His peace and it was provided in a mighty way. If anyone started watching the video after that point they would never know anything had happened. This morning I was reminded of a song Hillsong sings called "Not Today"...

I’ll sing the night into the morning
I’ll sing the fear into Your praise
I’ll sing my soul into Your presence
Whenever I say Your Name
Let the devil know not today
Whenever I say Your Name Jesus
Let the devil know not today
Not now not ever again

Yes! The enemy is trying to distract me. He is trying to stop me. He is trying to make me fear the life ahead of me. But he will not win because God is My Strength! I realized that in a mighty way this week as He gave me peace with Mordecei leaving this earth. Oh how I miss him but I'm thankful he is no longer in pain. He gave us eleven plus years of joy and for that I am grateful. Yesterday as I was with friends for lunch the realization of what a difference I felt from two weeks ago hit me. Two weeks ago I sat with two couples around the lunch table and laughed yet inside I just wanted to cry. I missed my honey being with me so much. When I got home, I did have a good cry. Yesterday, just two weeks later, was different. I feel so much stronger than I did two weeks ago. I miss my honey so much and I still have my days of questioning 'why?' but God continues to fill me with His peace. I am so grateful for all the ways He loves on me! I refused to allow the enemy an open door as we went through the fifteen months of pancreatic cancer and I refuse to give him one now. My God is greater than any distraction the enemy puts before us. My God is greater than the hurts of our hearts. My God is greater than the questions that come into our minds. Plain and simple. My God is greater. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for stopping me yesterday to pray against distractions! Thank You for putting people in my life who have wisdom with such things as sound issues! Thank You for continuing to give me exactly what I need every day! Thank You for the way Doc encouraged me to do things myself his last few months of life! Thank You for Will and Sandy who had me over for lunch yesterday! Thank You for waking me yesterday morning when Alyssa called me to pray with them as their Momma took her last breaths on this earth! I pray they will seek You in this time of hurting. Father, I pray You will cleanse me of anything not of You so I can be a beacon of light for You in the week ahead. I pray You will empower me to accept and fulfill the challenge from yesterday's sermon to be a living testimony of the greatness of Your love. May Your love flow in and through me in a powerful way. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts in a new, different way. Father, You have laid some things on my heart to do that I am a bit uncomfortable in doing. May You give me Your wisdom as I pursue doing them. Father, thank You for being My Strength! Amen.

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