Sunday, October 4, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Yes I Will"

This week I've prayed for pastors for many different situations. Some who are moving to new churches; some who are stressed over how COVID19 has affected their churches; some facing serious health issues; some with deaths in their families; etc. There have been a wide array of things to pray for but the one thing that kept coming to my mind throughout the night was to pray for all of us to be in relationship with God so we can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and walk in obedience to Him. The first thought this morning was to pray for sermons to be boldly preached as He desires. My heart breaks for pastors who are not living in His peace. Even in the midst of the storms of life His peace is possible when we are walking in His will. Yesterday I voiced to those at the church building that I am overwhelmed by what needs to be accomplished to finish the building. I know little about what is needed to finish it. Doc was the one with that expertise. He was the one who knew what to do to get things finished. But since he is not here I need to carryon. I was reminded by Jeff that I needed to take things one at a time. When I came home, I saw this picture on facebook and knew God is with me. I don't have to know everything because He knows. I don't have to fret but instead need to give it to Him and allow Him to work things out. I do not need to be anxious but instead need to let His peace flow in and through me. I do not need to fear but instead need to stand on the promise of II Timothy 1:7 and allow the empowerment of the Holy Spirit take over. I already knew these things but the discussion yesterday with more issues being revealed I became overwhelmed. I must not allow that to happen but instead need to allow God to be glorified through the situation. I must take the praises that happen with the project and rejoice instead of looking at all of the issues. By the end of the day yesterday I was wiped out physically but it wasn't from overdoing physically but the emotional and mental aspect of the day. I am so grateful God put people of my tribe before me yesterday. The laughs with Nancy, Chris doing the yard, visits from neighbors with flowers and gifts, phone calls...the list goes on and on. He knew what I needed and provided. I pray for pastors who are getting into the pulpit this morning to feel His presence and know He is there for them. Oh how I pray for those going through the storms of life to realize His peace. Today is one month since my honey left me. Woo hoo to surviving this month! Woo hoo to my tribe who cares so greatly for me! Woo hoo for the cards that continue to come in the mail! Woo hoo for God being so real to me through some pretty tough days! Woo hoo for God using tears to help my hurting heart! Doing life without Doc is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do but I praise God for not just getting me through this time but giving me what I need to glorify Him through it. I am so blessed to stand in His Peace!

I count on one thing
The same God that never fails
Will not fail me now
You won't fail me now
In the waiting
The same God who's never late
Is working all things out
Is working all things out

Yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley
Yes I will, bless Your name
Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy
For all my days, oh yes I will

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for Your peace in the midst of the storm I am going through! Thank You for the knowledge Doc is no longer suffering but instead is with You! Thank You for being with pastors who are going through storms such as illness, deaths in their family or church, issues in their church, etc. I pray especially today for: John Mulphas with the death of his grandmother; Rick McCartney with his health issues; James Pomerich who is interim at Willard; two pastor friends who are dealing with cancer; two pastors whose wives are not worshiping with them; myself as I continue ministry without my honey; and all pastors to preach what You give them boldly. It's so hard to believe today is one month since Doc took his last breath on this earth. It's hard to believe that only five weeks ago we tag-teamed the sermon You gave us. Lord, You know the hurts of my heart. I pray You will continue to give me what I need to not just survive these days but to thrive in them. Cleanse me so You can fill me so I can walk in Your will. Thank You for all of my tribe who loved on me so much yesterday. Nancy, Jeff, Bob, Chris, Sharon and Trevor, Tiffany and the kids, Kenneth, Sandy, and others who encouraged me! Thank You for Mordecei sleeping all night! Thank You for giving me the reminder of Your faithfulness! Thank You for being My Peace! Amen.

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