Sunday, August 2, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "The God Who Stays"

Saturday night is my favorite night of the week with praying specifically for pastors. There are so many pastors who have moved to other churches or are in the process of moving. I prayed specifically for them and their families as they transition. Some are moving due to God calling them elsewhere. Some appear to be moving to get out of 'tough' situations or because an opportunity came open to them. I pray it is God's will for their move. I also prayed for pastors who continue to have to deal with COVID-19. Some are dealing with having the virus themselves or family members with it. I pray for strength for them and protection over their congregations. I was so thankful to hear of one pastoral family with multiple members having it and their church is dropping off meals to them. Sometimes the pastor and their family are cared for in such a way and sometimes not. It is sad when a church doesn't take such care of their pastor and family. I also prayed for pastors who are getting depressed over their current church situation. Some churches are struggling so bad financially due to COVID-19. I prayed for God to open doors for them. Other churches are struggling spiritually due to COVID-19. The people are becoming restless with not physically meeting. Some have become complacent in their walk with God. That saddens my heart. The church building and/or pastor should not be why we stay close to God. We all need to take responsibility for our spiritual lives. We need to be in the Word, praying, fasting, etc. so we can be who God has called us to be. We can't blame the pastor. We can't blame pandemics such as COVID-19. We can't blame our spouse. It is our responsibility. As a pastor, I am tired of not meeting together. I don't like some of the decisions that have been made over the last four months. I'm tired of not having our building ready to move into when the time comes. But I keep reminding myself God is in control. He will provide the people, finances, and the right time to complete the building. We are so close to being done yet it seems like so far away. I cannot get discouraged now but it's hard. Another group of people I prayed for during the night is pastors and missionaries who are being effected by the hurricane/tropical storm. Some of them down in the islands are still trying to build back after previous storms. I prayed for God to protect them. This morning the song The God Who Stays is on mind...

You're the God who stays (You're the God who stays)
You're the God who stays (You're the God who stays)
You're the one who runs in my direction
When the whole world walks away
You're the God who stands (You're the God who stands)
With wide open arms (With wide open arms)
And You tell me nothing I have ever done can separate my heart
From the God who stays

My shame can't separate
My guilt can't separate
My past can't separate
I'm Yours forever
My sin can't separate
My scars can't separate
My failures can't separate
I'm Yours forever
No enemy can separate
No power of hell can take away
Your love for me will never change
I'm Yours forever

The enemy wants to tear us apart. He wants us to doubt God and stray from Him. My God is greater than anything the enemy throws my way. He is not going anywhere but instead desires me to press into Him even more during 'tough' days. He loves me so much and desires to see me prosper. The only way that can happen is for me to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in His love and empowerment. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for a night of praying for pastors! Thank You for the encouragement I receive in knowing people are praying for us! Thank You for Doc being able to come to the table for a meal yesterday and being able to go for a ride! Lord, may today be a day where he can function and take nourishment. May He feel Your strength today physically, mentally, emotionally, and most of all spiritually. Lord, I pray for a cleansing in my soul. I pray You will fill me to overflowing so You ooze out of me. May the sermon You gave me show You to others. Lord, I pray for all pastors who go into the pulpit this morning to be filled with You. I pray there will be no doubt they are speaking Your words. Father, I pray for people to have open ears, minds, and hearts to what is preached whether it is in person, live on Facebook, or videoed. Lord, may Your church realize these days are opportunity for all to share Your love. May we all realize it does not take a building to do so. Just as I prayed during the night I pray for pastors: in transition to listen to You; with cancer, other diseases, or COVID-19 to be healed; and those making 'tough' decisions with COVID-19 to have Your wisdom. I pray for all in the path of the hurricane/tropical storm to be protected. I pray for all believers to realize You are giving us great opportunity to share Your love during these 'tough' times. May we all live in Your empowerment and love so others can do the same. Thank You Jesus for being My God Who Stays! Amen.

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