Thursday, June 18, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Romans 12 - "The Blessing"

Yesterday was a day full of blessings from start to finish! God is so good at knowing just what my heart needs. Doc's new oncologist gave him encouragement to not give up. Ben, Emily, and the kids had a safe trip here. Getting hugs from grand babies I haven't seen for almost six months was priceless. Hearing Mr. Weston say 'MoMo Sheila' brought tears to my eyes. Listening to giggles as the girls were laying in the next room after going to bed made some special memories. I will treasure these next hours forever. This is the first time any of our grand babies have been here to experience life in our beautiful little world. I am so excited to take them to the beach today and praying Doc can go too. This morning God reminded me of Romans 12:12. In the New International Version it reads: Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. In The Message it reads: Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. When I was going through my MS diagnosis, the neurologist asked me what my goal was in life. He asked what I desired to be the outcome of taking a new medication that I was on the list to receive. My answer was 'I want to play with my grand babies without being in a wheelchair.' Since that time I have used the wheelchair many times but it's been five years since the last time that happened. Woo hoo, God! He is so, so good! I expect Him to give me what is best for me and when His best lines up with the desires of my heart it is so great! When His best does not line up with the desires of my heart, it is great! I am filled with His hope, joy, love, etc. As I live this life, I am blessed in abundance! Praise His Holy Name! Oh how I wish more people would die to self so they could live such a life. I pray I can do better at sharing His love so more people will experience Him to the fullest. I desire to live out Romans 12:1 today and the days ahead in a more intentional way. In The Message it reads:

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.

Yes! I know His will is what is best for me. I know He will not fail me but instead will empower me as I stand on II Timothy 1:7. I know His love will ooze out of me as I live out Romans 12:9. In The Message it reads, Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. His love is authentic. His love is real. His love is what I desire to ooze out of me. Plain and simple. His love is the answer.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day!! Thank You for the safe travels for Ben, Emily, and the grand babies! Thank You for the encouraging oncologist's appointment for Doc! Father, I prayed a new set of eyes would be a 'good' thing and You provided. May You continue to guide Doc's decisions with chemo and give Him Your peace. Lord, cleanse me so You can bless me today with more of You. May my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts flow from You in a more intentional way. May You be greater than anything that comes my way. I pray for physical, mental, and emotional strength for the day ahead. Lord, empower me to be who You desire me to be! I continue to pray for Sheri as she awaits her biopsy and tests; my sister Linda as she is in such pain; Paula's family as they grieve; Mary and Ross as they witnessed such a horrific accident yesterday; Samantha's Grandma and Rachel as they continue to heal from surgery; those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and their family members; the division happening in our country; our president and leaders; and so, so many others. Thank You Jesus for being The One To Bless Me In Abundance! Amen.

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