Thursday, June 11, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "He Is"

Yesterday was one of those days you never want to have a 'do over'! I'm so thankful for the Lord's strength, wisdom, and peace on such days! I'm thankful He is always with me and points me in the direction He desires me to go. Sometimes when I feel like I'm walking in a fog with all that is going on I stop and ask Him to clear the fog so I do not miss anything He has in store for me. I repeat II Timothy 1:7 over and over so I remember of His love and empowerment that is in me and ready to flow out of me. There is nothing I go through that He has not already been through. Nothing surprises Him. Praise His Holy Name! When the floodgate of tears started last evening, He knew I needed a release from all that had happened in the day. When the enemy tried to cause havoc with our on-line Bible study last night, He knew I needed to lean into Him more so I wouldn't get rattled. Once again, I do not know how people 'do life' without Him. If I didn't have Him to lean into, I would be a basket case. If I didn't trust Him to not just get me through the 'tough' days but to thrive in them, I would be lost. I feel sad today. I need to climb up into my Heavenly Daddy's lap and sit there for awhile to be comforted and have my emotional tank filled. I'm grateful God got us through the first night with the pump Doc has on with chemo. I'm also grateful there were no issues and the side effects have been minimal so far in this new process. But I'm sad that he continues to have to deal with such stuff. I'm sad to have another friend find out they have cancer. I'm sad for all the unrest in our world and an increase in COVID-19 cases. I'm sad for all the people in my little world who are not in relationship with Him. Maybe I need to sing "If You're Happy and You Know It" a few times. I am happy in my heart because I know He loves me but I'm still feeling sad. Mark Schultz sings a song called He Is that speaks to me this morning.

Through every fear  
And every doubt 
In every tear I shed 
Down every road 
I'm not alone 
No matter where I am  

He is  
He was  
He always will be 
He lives  
He loves 
He's always with me 
Even when it feels like there is no one holding me 
Be still my soul 
Be still and know 
Be still my soul 
He is

Yes! I must be still and allow Him to minister to me before I can minister to others. I must allow His love to overtake me before it can flow from me. As I start a new day, I must remember there is nothing that comes before me that surprises God. He loves me and will empower me as I allow Him full access into my life. He desires to use me as His willing servant and I desire to please Him. There is a part of this song that goes...

Father let Your Holy Spirit sing 
Let it calm this storm inside of me 
As I stand amazed 
Lift my hands and say 

Yes! I do not want to get in the way of the Holy Spirit and what He is going to do in and through me. I want to be in the place where I not only hear His voice but walk in obedience to it. The only way for this to happen is to be in tune with Him to the point where He can be heard. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your encouragement this morning! Father, I know You already know how I am feeling and for that knowledge I am grateful. I don't like feeling sad but I know You give us emotions for a reason. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me up with more of You. May You be greater than the things causing sadness in my heart. Lord, I know You can shine brightly through me even when I am hurting. That is my prayer for the day ahead. I pray for Doc as he has this pump on to lean into Your strength. I pray for him to feel Your strength throughout this day in a new, different way. Lord, I pray for my friend who was diagnosed yesterday with lung cancer to feel Your presence. I pray she will seek You as she goes through the tough days ahead. I pray the same for so many who are dealing with cancer and other diseases in their bodies. I pray most of all for people to be in relationship with You so You can be their peace in the midst of their storm. Lord, I pray for the 37 year old man who had part of his foot amputated to feel Your presence in a great way today. May You be greater than his pain. I pray for strength for his dear Momma as she tends to his needs. I am so grateful they depend upon Your strength. Thank You for Amanda's road of recovery going well! May You continue to give her strength as she recovers from surgery. I also pray for strength for Craig and his family in the difficult days they continue to be in. Lord, You know what is on my plate today and I pray You will bless it in abundance with Your presence through every step of the day. Help me to not worry about tomorrow but to put it in Your hands and leave it there. Thank You for being My Heavenly Daddy! Amen.

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